Title Page by Gavin Lambert

Version 1.0.1

Provides an intro screen to the story, offering an image and menu.

This adds a title page to the start of your story -- heavily inspired by Jon Ingold's extension of the same name, but using a very different method of control. (So you are very likely to need source text changes to switch from one to the other.)

Simply including the extension, without doing anything else, nets you a startup display of your story's name, author, and headline, then asking the player to press a key to decide if they want a clean start or to restore a saved game.

Of course, that can be annoying while you're developing your story, so it's possible to hide the title page in testing builds simply by including the following in your story (note that you can always define this, it is automatically ignored for release builds and you don't have to restrict it to "not for release" yourself -- you only need to remove it when you want to test something specifically about the title page):

Use hidden title page.

By default, everything in the title page is shown centred (or at least as centred as interpreters will allow). If you instead prefer for things to be left-aligned, then you can say that:

Use left aligned title page.

 Example Simple Defaults

Basic title page

 Example Splash

Title page with splash image

 Example Additional accreditation

Customising the title page display

 Example Extra Info

Customising the title page menu