Screenreader by Zed Lopez

Version 2

On startup, asks user 'Are you using a screenreader?' and sets a global that can subsequently be tested.

When not compiling for release, this extension doesn't do anything, unless you:

``` Use screenreader query. ```

Then on startup, the game will clear the screen and ask "Are you using a screenreader?". Your story can then include queries like:

``` if the interface is screenreader ```

Using screenreader query is the default when compiling for release; if that isn't desired, override the relevant section (or un-include the extension).

If you'd like to change the question, add something like:

``` First when play begins: now the ask about screenreader rule response (A) is "Are you using a screenreader? (Y/N)". ```

If your story includes Flexible Windows by Jon Ingold and you want to deactivate the status bar when the interface is screenreader, you can:

``` Use no status bar with screenreaders. ```

If your story includes Simple Spelling by Alice Grove, this extension deactivates Simple Spelling's own presentation of such a question, and along with it, that extension's display of introductory text if the user says yes. If you *do* want to print that text:

``` Use simple spelling features intro. ```

If you include Simple Spelling at all, the "spell" command will exist; this Use option only affects whether the intro text is displayed. If you want to display some other text:

``` Use simple spelling features intro. First when play begins: now the introduce the simple spelling features rule response (B) is "Alternative text.[line break]" ```

Chapter Changelog

Version 2: created screenreader-toggling activity; added screenreader on/off commands; ceased clearing screen; added Inquiry support.

Chapter Examples

Example: * "Screenreader Demo"

"Screenreader Demo"

Include Screenreader by Zed Lopez.

Use screenreader query.

After looking when the interface is not screenreader, say "Gratuitous image."

Lab is a room.

Test me with "look".