Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short

Glulx Text Effects provides an easy way to set up special text effects for Glulx.

Chapter: Styles in Glulx

Unlike the Z-Machine, which allows arbitrary combinations of features (such as color and boldness) to be applied to text, Glulx requires the author to define and then use text styles.

There are eleven of these styles:

Table of styles
normal-style     the style used for regular text
italic-style     used for italic text (this is what the "[italic type]" phrase uses)
bold-style     used for bold text (this is what the "[bold type]" phrase uses)
fixed-letter-spacing-style     used for monospaced text (this is what the "[fixed letter spacing]" phrase uses)
alert-style     used when printing an end of game message such as "*** You have died. ***"
blockquote-style     used for printing box quotations
header-style     used to print the title of the game
input-style     used for the player's own input
note-style     used for messages such as "[Your score has increased by one point.]"
special-style-1     these two styles are not used by Inform, and you are free to use them for any purpose you want

Additionally, when defining styles you can set "all-styles" which will define all eleven styles at once.

Chapter: Style features

Each text style has the following features:

Table of style features
background color     specifies the background color of the text
color     specifies the color of the text itself
fixed width     a truth state (default: false). If true then the text will be displayed with a fixed width (monospace) font
font weight     specifies the weight of the font. Can be set to "light-weight", "regular-weight" (the default), or "bold-weight"
indentation     a number (default: 0) specifying the number of units of indentation for the whole block of text. Units are defined by interpreter, but are often equivalent to spaces
first line indentation     a number (default: 0) specifying additional indentation for the first line of the text block
italic     a truth state (default: false). If true then the text will be displayed in italics
justification     can be set to "left-justified", "center-justified", "right-justified", or "left-right-justified" for justified on the left and right (often called full justification)
relative size     a number (default: 0) specifying how many font sizes above or below the browser's default a style should be set to
reversed     a truth state (default: false). If true then the foreground and background colors of the text will be reversed. This is most commonly used for the status line

Not all interpreters support all of these features. Notably, Gargoyle does not support justification or font sizes. If the interpreter does not support one of the features it will just be quietly ignored.

Chapter: Defining styles

To define the features each style should have, add a table continuation to the Table of User Styles in your code. For example:

Table of User Styles (continued)
style name     color     italic     relative size
all-styles     "#FF0000"     true     --
header-style     "#0000FF"     false     1
special-style-1     "#00FF00"

This definition table above will make everything red and italics, except for the title which will be blue and a size bigger. Special style 1 is set to green, but it won't be used without the author manually turning it on.

Your table continuation does not need to include every column in the Table of User Styles, nor does it need to define every style. You can also continue the table multiple times, and even define a style in multiple places; if you do then the definitions will be combined together. If you do not want to set a feature for a style you can leave it blank with "--".

Colors are defined by specifying a web (CSS) color in a text. Web colors specify the red/green/blue components of a color in hexadecimal, and a correctly specified color will be 6 characters long (with an optional # at the beginning.) Note that short (#000) web colors are not supported.

If you use a color many times you can define it as a text constant, and then use that in the table:

Red is always "#FF0000".

Table of User Styles (continued)
style name     color
special-style-1     red

Chapter: Using the styles

You may invoke the text styles by using the following phrases

Table of style phrases
normal-style     "[roman type]"
italic-style     "[italic type]"
bold-style     "[bold type]"
fixed-letter-spacing-style     "[fixed letter spacing]" (Return to regular variable spaced type with either "[variable letter spacing]" or just "[roman type]")
alert-style     "[alert style]"
blockquote-style     "[blockquote style]"
header-style     "[header style]"
input-style     "[input style]"
note-style     "[note style]"
special-style-1     "[special-style-1]", "[first special style]", or "[first custom style]" (there are multiple options to support older code)
special-style-2     "[special-style-2]", "[second special style]", or "[second custom style]"

Chapter: About this extension

This extension was originally by Emily Short. Version 5 was rewritten by Dannii Willis.

The latest version of this extension can be found at <>. This extension is released under the Creative Commons Attribution licence. Bug reports, feature requests or questions can be made at <>.

Example: * Gaudy - A visually overpowering exercise in modifying all the built-in text styles.


Include Version 5 of Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short.

Use scoring.

Texty Room is a room. "This is a room of [bold type]bold[roman type] and [italic type]italic[roman type] texts as well as messages in [fixed letter spacing]fixed width[variable letter spacing] text."

Table of User Styles (continued)
style name     relative size     color     background color
italic-style     -1     "#0000FF"     --
fixed-letter-spacing-style     --     "#444444"     --
header-style     10     --     --
bold-style     2     "#888888"     "#80DAEB"
alert-style     5     "#FF0000"
note-style     --     "#00FF00"
blockquote-style     --     "#FFFF00"
input-style     -1     "#FF00FF"

Instead of waiting:
     increase the score by 5.

Instead of jumping:
     end the story finally.

Every turn:
     display the boxed quotation "Tempus fugit."

Test me with "z / z / z / jump".

Example: ** The Gallic War - An excuse to print a large, fancily-formatted bit of text using custom styles.

"The Gallic War" by Julius Caesar.

The story headline is "An interactive campaign".

Lessons is a room.

Include Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short.
Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short.

Table of User Styles (continued)
style name     justification     italic     indentation     first line indentation     font weight     color
special-style-2     left-right-justified     true     15     -4     light-weight     "#888888"

When play begins:
     now the left hand status line is "";
     now right hand status line is "";
     say "[second custom style]Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur. Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt. Gallos ab Aquitanis Garumna flumen, a Belgis Matrona et Sequana dividit.

Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae, propterea quod a cultu atque humanitate provinciae longissime absunt, minimeque ad eos mercatores saepe commeant atque ea quae ad effeminandos animos pertinent important, proximique sunt Germanis, qui trans Rhenum incolunt, quibuscum continenter bellum gerunt. Qua de causa Helvetii quoque reliquos Gallos virtute praecedunt, quod fere cotidianis proeliis cum Germanis contendunt, cum aut suis finibus eos prohibent aut ipsi in eorum finibus bellum gerunt.";
     pause the game;
     say roman type;
     now the left hand status line is "[location]";
     now the right hand status line is "[turn count]".

Bank of the Garumna is a room.