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Title Page by Jon Ingold
Title Page inserts a intro page to your project. This prints the name and by-line of the game, followed by a quotation - by default this is the game's "headline", but you can change it by declaring:
To say quotation:
say "...."
This needs to come after the extension is included. (Note: you must declare exactly "To say quotation", with no "the").
If you're compiling a Glulx project, Title Page can also display the cover.jpg file as stored in the "Materials" folder of the project. To include this feature, add
Use cover art title display.
It then provides a menu of options: start a new game, restore a saved game and quit. You can also make it display a "show menu" option by setting the menus option and setting the intro menu.
Use menus.
This is the set intro rule:
now the intro menu is the Table of Introductory Information.
The set intro rule is listed before the title screen rule in the when play begins rules.
Note that the extension always includes the extension Menus that ships with Inform, and so this framework should be used for writing Menu tables.
If we want to change the phrasing of the menu, we can do so by setting responses A through D of the title screen rule. The only challenge here is that this response has to be set before the title screen runs, so just "when play begins" won't do -- again, we need to change this response before the title screen rule fires, thus:
This is the set response rule:
now the title screen rule response (A) is " Show me introductory text : M[line break]"
The set response rule is listed before the title screen rule in the when play begins rules.
Since the letters for selecting particular outcomes are hard-coded, we can't change these letter options at the moment.
Finally, for debug project (specifically, those in the testing panel) it can be tedious to start the game with an intro panel every time (and indeed, the "restore" option doesn't work in the test pane of the I7 application). Therefore an option is provided to skip the intro on debug versions, but still include it on released versions.
Use skip intro.
Example: * Extra Info - Adding an informational section for the player to read before play.
Sometimes we want to offer the player advice about how to play or provide some content warnings about the story they're about to experience.
"Extra Info" by Emily Short.
Limbo is a room.
Include Title Page by Jon Ingold.
Use menus.
This is the set intro rule:
now the intro menu is the Table of Introductory Information;
now the title screen rule response (A) is "Introduction (recommended to new players) : M[line break]".
The set intro rule is listed before the title screen rule in the when play begins rules.
Table of Introductory Information
title subtable description toggle "Special Commands" -- "This game has a VERBS command. At any time, VERBS will list verbs that you could use in play." -- "Warnings" -- "This game contains Strong Language and Graphic Violence. It may not be suitable for younger audiences. Please use your own discretion in deciding whether this is right for you." --