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Atmospheric Effects by Mikael Segercrantz
Chapter: Version Note
This version of the extension breaks compatibility with any previous version earlier than version 4. It is highly recommended to upgrade all code using any previous version of Atmospheric Effects to use this version.
Version 4 of Atmospheric Effects was a complete rewrite, containing almost all the features available in previous releases. This version is improved to work better, and to separate the displaying of scenic messages from the generation of them in a greater degree. (In the last version, where the messages were generated just before the prompt, the scene changing mechanism had run between the result of the action and the generation of messages; now, the messages are generated just after getting the result of the action, and the messages are displayed only just before prompting for the next command, which seems to fix the problem of messages dependent on scenes.)
Section: 6L02 Compatibility Update
This extension differs from the author's original version: it has been modified for compatibility with version 6L02 of Inform. The latest version of this extension can be found at <https://github.com/i7/extensions>.
This extension is released under the Creative Commons Attribution licence. Bug reports, feature requests or questions should be made at <https://github.com/i7/extensions/issues>.
Chapter: The Kinds Provided
This extension provides four kinds of value; a scenic type, a running type, a further type and an ignoring type.
Section: The Sceninc Types
The scenic types are
* fully random (with full random as a synonym), displaying messages in a completely random order, without regard to if the message has been shown or not;
* random, displaying messages in a constrained random order, so that each message in the table is shown once before any message may repeat; and
* ordered, listing the messages in the same order they are defined in the table.
Section: The Running Types
The running types are
* run once (with once as a synonym), the messages of the table will show up only once; and
* run forever (with forever as a synonym), the messages will loop once the table has been used, and if the scenic type is random, again in a random order (making sure the same message does not appear twice in a row).
Section: The Further Types
The further types are
* default, which changes to the Table of Default Messages once all the messages in the current table have been exhausted; and
* stopping, which stops the current table once it has been exhausted and doesn't bring in a new source of messages.
Section: The Ignoring Types
The ignoring types are
* ignore, which
1) In the Atmospheric Definition table on things tells the extension to ignore rooms and regions (note that at the moment this means that even if the thing has ran out of messages, it forces the room and regions to be quiet whenever it is present);
2) In the Atmospheric Definition table on rooms tells the extension to ignore regions;
3) In the Atmospheric Definition table on regions tells the extension to ignore larger regions; and
4) In the subtables of the Atmospheric Definition table tells the extension to ignore all lines after the current line in case a message was shown.
* do not ignore, which is the opposite of ignore.
Section: How Types Interact
For entries with a scenic type of fully random, the running type and the further type are completely ignored, and for entries with a running type of run forever, the further type is completely ignored.
Chapter: The Tables Required
Section: The Table of Atmospheric Definition
To use scenic effects in our games, we need to define the following table:
Table of Atmospheric Definition (continued)
loci ignoring subtable an object an ignoring type a table-name
The loci entry contains the name of the room or region for which to use the subtable entry for messages, while the ignoring type tells the extension whether to ignore messages from larger entities containing the player.
Section: The Sub-Tables of the Table of Atmospheric Definition
In addition, for each separate subtable required, we need to define a table following the form of:
Table of Example Atmospheric Definition
during initch latch aftcnt curcnt sctype runtype frtype igtype subtable a scene a number a number a number a number a scenic type a running type a further type an ignoring type a table-name
Where the during entry is the name of the scene during which the messages from the subtable will be displayed (or empty for any time), initch is the initial chance of displaying messasges, latch is the later chance for displaying messages, aftcnt is the number of messages to show before changing from the initial chance to the later chance, curcnt is the current amount of messages shown, sctype is the scenic type of the messages to be shown, runtype the running type, frtype the further type, igtype the ignoring type and finally subtable contains the name of the table from which the messages will be picked.
If any of these entries except the during entry and the subtable entry are missing, they will be initialized automatically. The initial chance to 100 percent, the later chance to the initial chance, the after count to 0, the scenic type to random, the running type to run forever, the further type to stopping and the ignoring type to do not ignore. If the subtable is the Table of Default Messages, the running type is automatically set to run forever and the further type to stopping. The current count is always initialized to 0. If there is no subtable entry, the whole row is ignored.
Section: The Sub-Tables of the Sub-Tables of the Table of Atmospheric Definition
For each separate table of messages required, we also need to define a table according to the following specification:
Table of Example Messages
used message a number text
Section: The Table of Messages to Show
In addition, we may need to continue the Table of Messages to Show, in case there may be more than 20 messages to show at one time. This is done as follows:
Table of Messages to Show (continued)
message with <number> blank rows
Chapter: The Tables Defined
This extension provides a few tables of its own, each one empty except for one blank row to contrain the contents of the table. We have already encountered one of these, the Table of Atmospheric Definition, which is used to initialize the locations and regions of the game world with the correct scenic messasges.
The second one is the Table of Default Atmospherics. If we fill this table up with information, the messages of any subtables of it will be shown in any room or region not mentioned in the Table of Atmospheric Definition.
We are also provided with the Table of Default Messages, which can be filled with messages to be used when the further type of some messasge source is default and all the messages in the original table of messages have been shown.
Also, the extension brings us the Table of Messages to Show, which is used to collect the messages to be displayed during one turn. The default size of the table is 20 rows, which may be increased if necessary.
Chapter: Overriding
Section: How to Override this Extension's Default Behavior
If necessary, it is possible to override two of the rules provided by this extension. The first, called "the scenic messaging rule", allows for the modification of the message-generating process. The second, called "the scenic displaying rule", allows for the modification of the message-displaying process. If we wish to override one or both of these rules, it is possible with a procedural rule such as the following one:
Procedural rule:
substitute own messaging rule for the scenic messaging rule;
substitute own displaying rule for the scenic displaying rule.
Section: How the Scenic Messaging Rule is Defined
The scenic messaging rule provided by the extension is defined as follows:
A first every turn rule (this is the scenic messaging rule):
correct synonyms;
check thing messages;
check room messages;
check region messages.
Section: How the Scenic Displaying Rule is Defined
The scenic displaying rule provided by the extension is defined as follows:
A last before reading a command rule (this is the scenic displaying rule):
display all messages.
This rule has been defined as a before reading a command rule, so that the first messages will be shown before reading the first command in the game.
Chapter: Internals
The extension defines a kind of value called shown type used on regions. It is highly recommended that it not be used by anyone.
The extension also defines a region called the empty region. It is used by the extension to manage looking through regions.
Example: * Forest and Clearing - A simple example of regional and room effects, and ignoring messages.
"Forest and Clearing"
Include Version 6 of Atmospheric Effects by Mikael Segercrantz.
Western Edge of the Forest is a room. East of the western edge of the forest is a room called A Forest Clearing. East of a forest clearing is a room called Eastern Edge of the Forest.
The Forest Region is a region. Western edge of the forest, a forest clearing and eastern edge of the forest are in the forest region.
Table of Atmospheric Definition (continued)
loci ignoring subtable A Forest Clearing ignore Table of Clearing Definition Forest Region do not ignore Table of Forest Definition
Table of Clearing Definition
during initch latch aftcnt curcnt sctype runtype frtype igtype subtable a scene 50 a number a number a number fully random a running type a further type an ignoring type Table of Clearing Atmosphere
Table of Clearing Atmosphere
used message a number "The sound of a small river running nearby reaches your ear." -- "A cuckoo can be heard not far away."
Table of Forest Definition
during initch latch aftcnt curcnt sctype runtype frtype igtype subtable a scene 75 33 5 a number random a running type a further type an ignoring type Table of Forest Region Atmosphere
Table of Forest Region Atmosphere
used message a number "A fox runs across the path." -- "Birds chirp off in the distance." -- "A rabbit bounces off with sudden haste."
Example: ** City and Neighborhood - A more complex example on using Atmospheric Effects on rooms and regions, with regions contained in other regions.
"City and Neighborhood"
Include Version 6 of Atmospheric Effects by Mikael Segercrantz.
Tower Street North is a room. Tower Street South is a room. Tower Street Middle is a room.
Tower Street North is north of Tower Street Middle.
Tower Street Middle is north of Tower Street South.
The Tower Neighborhood is a region. Tower Street North, Tower Street South and Tower Street Middle are in the Tower Neighborhood.
Main Street West is a room. Main Street Middle is a room. Main Street East is a room.
Main Street West is west of Main Street Middle.
Main Street Middle is west of Main Street East.
The Main Neighborhood is a region. Main Street West, Main Street East and Main Street Middle are in the Main Neighborhood.
Madden Park is a room.
Madden Park is east of Main Street East.
Madden Park is west of Tower Street Middle.
The City is a region. Madden Park, the Main Neighborhood and the Tower Neighborhood are in the City.
The player is in Main Street West.
Table of Atmospheric Definition (continued)
loci ignoring subtable Madden Park ignore Table of Madden Park Definition Tower Neighborhood ignore Table of Tower Neighborhood Definition City do not ignore Table of City Definition
Table of Madden Park Definition
during initch latch aftcnt curcnt sctype runtype frtype igtype subtable a scene 100 0 a number a number random run forever a further type an ignoring type Table of Park Sounds
Table of Park Sounds
used message a number "Birds chirp off in the trees." -- "The fountain unleashes a gush of water." -- "A man sitting atop a lawn-mover is taking care of the grass."
Table of Tower Neighborhood Definition
during initch latch aftcnt curcnt sctype runtype frtype igtype subtable a scene 100 0 a number a number ordered run forever a further type an ignoring type Table of Tower Neighborhood Sounds
Table of Tower Neighborhood Sounds
used message a number "You hear nothing but the peace and quiet of the Tower Neighborhood." -- "Some small children run towards Madden Park." -- "The neighborhood is quiet, and peace prevails." -- "Some children enter the neighborhood from the park nearby."
Table of City Definition
during initch latch aftcnt curcnt sctype runtype frtype igtype subtable a scene 75 a number a number a number fully random run forever a further type an ignoring type Table of City Noise
Table of City Noise
used message a number "Many cars pass by, making for a loud noise level." -- "A car screeches to a halt as a pedestrian carelessly walks onto the street." -- "Sires can be heard in the distance, coming your way."
Example: **** The City-Plane of Union - Showing how to use the Atmospheric Effects extension using as a setting the City-Plane of Union from the Epic Level Handbook for the latest edition of AD&D.
"The City-Plane of Union"
Include Version 6 of Atmospheric Effects by Mikael Segercrantz.
Use full-length room descriptions and the serial comma.
Part 1 - Geography
Chapter 1 (a) - Planar Gate
Planar Gate is a room.
Planar Gate Region is a region. The planar gate is in the planar gate region.
Chapter 1 (b) - Temple Quarter
Northwest Temple Quarter is a room. South of northwest temple quarter is a room called Southwest Temple Quarter. East of southwest temple quarter is a room called East Temple Quarter. It is southeast of northwest temple quarter.
Temple Quarter Region is a region. Northwest temple quarter, southwest temple quarter and east temple quarter are in the temple quarter region.
Chapter 1 (c) - Material Gate
Material Gate is a room.
Material Gate Region is a region. The material gate is in the material gate region.
Chapter 1 (d) - Military Quarter
South Military Quarter is a room. North of south military quarter is a room called North Military Quarter.
Military Quarter Region is a region. North military quarter and south military quarter are in the military quarter region.
Chapter 1 (e) - High Quarter
Southeast High Quarter is a room. Northwest of southeast high quarter is a room called Northwest High Quarter.
High Quarter Region is a region. Southeast high quarter and northwest high quarter are in the high quarter region.
Chapter 1 (f) - Commerce Quarter
Northwest Commerce Quarter is a room. South of northwest commerce quarter is a room called Southwest Commerce Quarter. East of northwest commerce quarter is a room called Northeast Commerce Quarter. It is northeast of southwest commerce quarter. South of northeast commerce quarter is a room called Southeast Commerce Quarter. It is east of southwest commerce quarter and southeast of northwest commerce quarter.
Commerce Quarter Region is a region. Northwest commerce quarter, southwest commerce quarter, northeast commerce quarter and southeast commerce quarter are in the commerce quarter region.
Chapter 1 (g) - Market Quarter
Northwest Market Quarter is a room. South of northwest market quarter is a room called Southwest Market Quarter. East of southwest market quarter is a room called South Market Quarter. It is southeast of northwest market quarter. North of south market quarter is a room called North Market Quarter. It is northeast of southwest market quarter and east of northwest market quarter. East of north market quarter is a room called Northeast Market Quarter. It is northeast of south market quarter. South of northeast market quarter is a room called Central Southeast Market Quarter. It is southeast of north market quarter and east of south market quarter. East of central southeast market quarter is a room called Southeast Market Quarter. It is southeast of northeast market quarter.
Market Quarter Region is a region. Northwest market quarter, southwest market quarter, north market quarter, south market quarter, northeast market quarter, central southeast market quarter and southeast market quarter are in the market quarter region.
Chapter 1 (h) - Magic Quarter
West Magic Quarter is a room. East of west magic quarter is a room called East Magic Quarter.
Magic Quarter Region is a region. West magic quarter and east magic quarter are in the magic quarter region.
Chapter 1 (i) - Perfumed Quarter
Southwest Perfumed Quarter is a room. East of southwest perfumed quarter is a room called Southeast Perfumed Quarter. North of southwest perfumed quarter is a room called North Perfumed Quarter. It is northwest of southeast perfumed quarter.
Perfumed Quarter Region is a region. Southwest perfumed quarter, southeast perfumed quarter and north perfumed quarter are in the perfumed quarter region.
Chapter 1 (j) - Tavern Quarter
East Tavern Quarter is a room. West of east tavern quarter is a room called West Tavern Quarter.
Tavern Quarter Region is a region. East tavern quarter and west tavern quarter are in the tavern quarter region.
Chapter 1 (k) - Guild Quarter
Southeast Guild Quarter is a room. Northwest of southeast guild quarter is a room called Northwest Guild Quarter.
Guild Quarter Region is a region. Southeast guild quarter and northwest guild quarter are in the guild quarter region.
Chapter 1 (l) - Staircase Gate
Staircase Gate is a room.
Staircase Gate region is a region. Staircase gate is in the staircase gate region.
Chapter 1 (m) - Bridges
Planar-Temple Bridge is a room. It is south of planar gate and north of northwest temple quarter.
Planar-Material Bridge is a room. It is north of planar gate and south of material gate.
Planar-Commerce Bridge is a room. It is northeast of planar gate and southwest of southwest commerce quarter.
Temple-Market Bridge is a room. It is northeast of east temple quarter and southwest of southwest market quarter.
Material-Military Bridge is a room. It is north of material gate and south of south military quarter.
Material-Commerce Bridge is a room. It is east of material gate and west of southwest commerce quarter.
Military-High Bridge is a room. It is northwest of north military quarter and southeast of southeast high quarter.
Military-Commerce Bridge is a room. It is southeast of south military quarter and northwest of northwest commerce quarter.
Commerce-Market Bridge is a room. It is south of southeast commerce quarter and north of northwest market quarter.
Market-Magic Bridge is a room. It is north of northeast market quarter and south of west magic quarter.
Commerce-Magic Bridge is a room. It is southeast of northeast commerce quarter and northwest of west magic quarter.
Magic-Perfumed Bridge is a room. It is northeast of east magic quarter and southwest of southwest perfumed quarter.
Magic-Staircase Bridge is a room. It is north of east magic quarter and south of staircase gate.
Commerce-Guild Bridge is a room. It is north of northeast commerce quarter and south of southeast guild quarter.
Guild-Tavern Bridge is a room. It is northeast of southeast guild quarter and southwest of west tavern quarter.
Tavern-Staircase Bridge is a room. It is southeast of west tavern quarter and northwest of staircase gate.
Tavern-Perfumed-Staircase Bridge is a room. It is east of east tavern quarter, north of staircase gate and west of north perfumed quarter.
Chapter 1 (n) - The City-Plane
City-Plane of Union is a region. Planar-temple bridge, planar-commerce bridge, planar-material bridge, temple-market bridge, material-military bridge, material-commerce bridge, military-high bridge, military-commerce bridge, commerce-market bridge, market-magic bridge, commerce-magic bridge, magic-perfumed bridge, magic-staircase bridge, commerce-guild bridge, guild-tavern bridge, tavern-staircase bridge, tavern-perfumed-staircase bridge, planar gate region, material gate region, military quarter region, high quarter region, temple quarter region, commerce quarter region, market quarter region, magic quarter region, perfumed quarter region, tavern quarter region, guild quarter region and staircase gate region are in the city-plane of union.
Chapter 1 (o) - Objects
A gushing fountain is in southwest commerce quarter. It is fixed in place.
Part 2 - Atmospherics
Chapter 2 (a) - Full City-Plane
Table of City-Plane of Union Definition
during initch latch aftcnt curcnt sctype runtype frtype igtype subtable Arrival 100 33 1 0 ordered run once stopping do not ignore Table of Arrival Messages Encounters 50 50 0 0 random run forever stopping do not ignore Table of Encounter Messages
Table of Arrival Messages
used message 0 "The sudden bustling of activity as you enter the City-Plane of Union almost overwhelmes you." 0 "You are slowly, ever so slowly, getting used to the bustling of activities ." 0 "The bustling activities continue as usual, but you are getting more and more acclimatized to them." 0 "Suddenly, you realize you no longer notice anything unusal about all the activities going on around you."
Table of Encounter Messages
used message 0 "A patrol of Union City guards stop to question people." 0 "In the distance, you can see a patrol of guards coming closer to you." 0 "You are stopped by a patrol of Union City guards and asked for your papers. You show the papers to them." 0 "A mercane is looking at you, squinting [if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds]his[otherwise]her[end if] eyes."
Chapter 2 (b) - Specific things
Table of Gushing Fountain Definition
during initch latch aftcnt curcnt sctype runtype frtype igtype subtable -- 100 100 0 0 random run forever stopping do not ignore Table of Gushing Fountain Messages
Table of Gushing Fountain Messages
used message 0 "The fountain unleases a gush of water, at least 20 feet high." 0 "You hear a gurgling sound from the fountain, as it sucks in water from the pool." 0 "A glimmer of gold catches your eye, deep in the pool of the fountain." 0 "The constant stream of water from the fountain flies about the area as a gust of wind arrives."
Chapter 2 (c) - The Stairway Gate
Table of Stairway Gate Definition
during initch latch aftcnt curcnt sctype runtype frtype igtype subtable -- 100 50 2 0 random run forever stopping do not ignore Table of Stairway Gate Messages
Table of Stairway Gate Messages
used message 0 "People come in and leave through the Stairway Gate to the Infinite Stairway." 0 "The bustling of people travelling through the Stairway Gate is awe-inspring."
Chapter 2 (d) - Definition
Table of Atmospheric Definition (continued)
loci ignoring subtable City-Plane of Union do not ignore Table of City-Plane of Union Definition gushing fountain do not ignore Table of Gushing Fountain Definition Staircase Gate do not ignore Table of Stairway Gate Definition
Part 3 - Scenes
Chapter 3 (a) - Arrival
Arrival is a scene. Arrival begins when play begins. Arrival ends when the number of filled rows in the Table of Arrival Messages is 0.
Chapter 3 (b) - Encounters
Encounters is a scene. Encounters begins when Arrival ends.
Part 4 - Modifications
Chapter 4 (a) - Room
The description of a room is usually "[exit list]".
To say exit list:
let count be 0;
repeat with d running through directions:
let r be the room d from the location;
if r is a room, increase count by 1;
if the count is 0:
say "You appear to be trapped in here.";
if the count is 1:
say "From here, the only way is";
say "From here, the viable exits are";
let original be count;
repeat with d running through directions:
let r be the room d from the location;
if r is a room:
say " [d] to [r]";
decrease count by 1;
if count is 1:
if original is 2, say " and";
otherwise say "[optional comma] and";
if count is 0, say ".";
otherwise say ",".
To say optional comma:
if the serial comma option is active, say ",".
Chapter 4 (b) - Status line
When play begins:
now the left hand status line is "[map region of the location]";
now the right hand status line is "[number of visited rooms]/[number of rooms]".
Part 5 - Starting and ending the game
Chapter 5 (a) - Starting
When play begins:
say "What happenstance.
You have been trying to reach this place for the last few years, and suddenly, you find yourself here. In... The City-Plane of Union.
Now, you want to find out everything there is to know about the place. Thankfully, you've memorized the map of the place.[line break](To win, visit every room and see every message)[paragraph break]".
Chapter 5 (b) - Ending
Every turn:
let total be 0;
repeat with n running from 1 to the number of rows in the Table of Atmospheric Definition:
choose row n in the table of Atmospheric Definition;
if there is a subtable entry:
let tbl be the subtable entry;
repeat with o running from 1 to the number of rows in tbl:
choose row o in tbl;
if there is a subtable entry:
if the sctype entry is ordered or the sctype entry is random:
let c be the curcnt entry;
let d be the number of filled rows in the subtable entry;
let f be d minus c;
if f is less than 0, now f is 0;
increase total by f;
let lbt be the subtable entry;
repeat with p running from 1 to the number of rows in lbt:
if there is a message entry:
if the used entry is 0, increase total by 1;
increase total by the number of rooms;
decrease total by the number of visited rooms;
if total is 0, end the story saying "You have visited all rooms and seen all messages".