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Undo Output Control by Nathanael Nerode
Undo Output Control patches the I6 template routines Keyboard (); and Perform_Undo (); so that we can use I7 rulebooks to hook into the UNDO command. These allow us to do anything we like--write new messages for UNDO responses and error text, keep track of variables (partially) independently of the game state as restored by UNDO, and even suspend UNDO programmatically.
Undo Output Control is compatible with Conditional Undo by Jesse McGrew, which provides a more flexible framework for undo prevention. Using the extension with Conditional Undo does change some aspects of usage; see below.
Section - Output rules
The basic rulebooks provided by Undo Output Control are:
(1) before undoing an action rules
(2) after undoing an action rules
(3) report undoing an action rules
These rulebooks provide hooks into the following "moments" in the UNDO process: (1) before testing whether UNDO is allowed/possible; (2) after an action has been _successfully_ undone; and (3) after an action has been successfully undone but immediately before it is reported, optionally allowing us to replace Inform's default output with our own. The report undoing an action rules should end explicitly in either success or failure. The rulebook will end in failure by default, which means that Inform's default reporting for UNDO will be printed. If you want to substitute Inform's reporting with your own, end your report undoing an action rule with "rule succeeds" or equivalent (see the example for a demonstration).
The same is true of the more specialized rules:
report prevented undo rules
report interpreter-undo-incapacity rules
report interpreter undo failure rules
report nothing to be undone failure rules
All of these also require a rule to end explicitly with "success" in order to replace the default output.
A number of rules are provided as "before" and "after" counterparts of these rules:
before prevented undo rules
after prevented undo rules
before interpreter-undo-incapacity rules
after interpreter-undo-incapacity rules
before interpreter undo failure rules
after interpreter undo failure rules
before nothing to be undone failure rules
after nothing to be undone failure rules
The before, after, and report prevented undo rules apply only when Inform's built-in use undo prevention option is enabled.
It should be emphasized that, though these rules look like standard action rulebooks, they are not. UNDO is not an action, and these rules are limited to imitating the appearance of action rules. This is why "check undoing" and "instead of undoing" rulebooks are not provided. We have hooks into the output, but little else.
However, it should be noted that when the before undoing an action rulebook ends in explicit failure, undo will be prevented from occurring; this is one way (perhaps the simplest) of disabling UNDO. An example:
Before undoing an action when the player is tired:
say "You are too tired to bend space-time to your will.";
rule fails.
The "Breaking Glass" example provides examples of ways to use both the before and after undoing entry points to accomplish interesting effects.
Section - Undo suspension
Undo Output Control provides a second mechanism for suspending UNDO. To turn UNDO on and off at will, we simply use these phrases:
suspend undo
reinstate undo
Note that these will not function if we have used Inform's built-in undo prevention, which functions globally.
We can also test whether UNDO is disabled using the "if undo is suspended" condition.
Finally, a rulebook is provided that allows us to control the reporting of a failed attempt to UNDO while undo is suspended:
report attempt to undo-while-disabled rules
By default, these rules print the message "That action cannot be undone."
Be warned that if the player types UNDO immediately after you have reinstated it, there may be unexpected behavior, as the game can revert to the suspended state, but in such a way that the report attempt to undo-while-disabled rules do not fire.
Section - Removing the option to UNDO at the end of the game
Note that the "before undoing an action rule" is NOT consulted after the game has finished, so we will not be able to use it to block UNDO at that point. Instead, we should simply remove UNDO from the list of options that are presented at the end of the game ("Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command?"). We can do so by removing it from the Table of Final Question Options, like this:
When play begins:
choose row with a final response rule of immediately undo rule in the Table of Final Question Options;
delete the final question wording entry.
This can be done conditionally if needed. We just need to delete the table row before the command to end the game.
Section - Temporary suspension of game state saving
Each turn, after the player has entered a command but before the command is parsed, Inform saves the state of the game into memory. This is the saved state to which the next UNDO command will revert. We can stop the game from saving the undo state, if desired. Once we've disabled saving, an UNDO typed later will revert back to the last saved state. If there are no saved undo states available, a message will print ("You cannot undo any further" by default).
Undo Output Control provides the following phrases for controlling undo saves:
disable saving of undo state
enable saving of undo state
See the "Purgatory" example below for a demonstration of how this feature might be used.
Section - Changing vocabulary for UNDO and OOPS
As was mentioned above, UNDO is not an action. Along with OOPS, it is handled before the player's command is actually parsed. To decide whether the player has typed either of these commands, Inform looks at the first word--only! --of the player's input and compares it to a character string (defined as an I6 constant). Because there is no I7 type that is exactly equivalent to this I6 type, it is quite difficult for I7 writers to add to or change the vocabulary associated with these commands.
Undo Output Control makes providing new vocabulary for UNDO and OOPS a bit easier. Each command has three "words" associated with it. These are, with their initial values:
undo word #1 "undo"
undo word #2 "undo"
undo word #3 "undo"
oops word #1 "oops"
oops word #2 "o//"
oops word #3 "oops"
We can thus add up to two vocabulary words for each command, in addition to the standard "oops" and "undo", or we can replace all three slots for each word if we like. Note that oops word #2 is a single-letter abbreviation; two forward slashes are required after single-letter words for Inform to understand them.
To change one of these vocabulary words, we need to define a phrase. For example:
To decide which value is undo word #3:
(- 'revert' -)
The word must be placed within single quotes, and only a single word can be matched. If your text contains a space, it will never be matched.
To eliminate the "o" synonym for oops:
To decide which value is oops word #2:
(- 'oops' -)
Section - Undoing the current turn
While UNDO is not an action, it is possible to trigger undo from an action. Under the hood, Inform saves the game after reading a command but before parsing it. UNDO then restores to this point, with a signal to read a new command. Inform must do the save very early in the command processing cycle in order to avoid any accidental side-effects in author-written parsing or action processing routines. However, UNDO (and OOPS) have to be processed before this save; otherwise they will restore to just before the player typed "UNDO", rather than before the previous command!
However, you can use this to your advantage. If at the end of a very long and complicated turn which changed a lot of world state, you decide the player probably shouldn't have done that, you can issue an undo order and restore the game to just before the player issued that command. This will undo the current turn -- not the previous turn.
undo the current turn;
This can be combined with "disable saving of undo state", as demonstrated in "Purgatory II".
You can also prevent the player from undoing and still use this in your code.
Section - Repairing an empty command
This version integrates the extension Empty Command Handling by Daniel Stelzer, based on code by Matt Weiner. Because Empty Command Handling replaces the same underlying library code as Undo Output Control, it cannot be used with Empty Command Handling; so the entirety of the extension has been integrated.
This extension adds a new activity, "repairing an empty command". When the player presses ENTER at the prompt, without typing anything, the "repairing an empty command" activity will be run before showing the parser error. This can be used to give better responses to empty input without hacking into the response system.
For instance:
Rule for repairing an empty command: change the text of the player's command to "look".
This happens early enough in parsing that even special commands like "undo" and "oops", or a sequence of commands separated by periods, can be inserted.
Section - Using this extension with Conditional Undo by Jesse McGrew
Jesse McGrew's Conditional Undo extension is compatible with Undo Output Control. It provides an activity-based interface to undo suspension which some authors may prefer. If Conditional Undo is included in our project, the "suspend undo" and "reinstate undo" phrases provided by Undo Output Control will not be available. IMPORTANT: The directive to include Conditional Undo must appear in your source text before the instruction to include Undo Output Control, or the extensions will not function as expected.
Instead of using the "report attempt to undo-while-disabled" rulebook to respond to suspended UNDO, users of Conditional Undo should use the "rule for deciding whether to allow undo" activity (see the Conditional Undo documentation).
Section - Using this extension with Unified Glulx Input by Andrew Plotkin
Unified Glulx Input has its own method for turning UNDO on and off; these all work, as do the methods in this extension.
Unified Glulx Input has its own method for redefining the words which trigger UNDO, so the method in this extension does not work for "undo" words. However, "oops" words can still be changed using this extension.
Unified Glulx Input has its own (superior) method for dealing with blank lines; "repairing an empty command" is not implemented.
Section - Change log
v5 - Add "undo the current turn", documentation, and example. (Nathanael Nerode) Integrate Empty Command Handling by Daniel Stelzer. Make compatible with Unified Glulx Input.
v4 - Substantial updates by Nathanael Nerode. Update to 6M62. Fix bugs. Improve documentation.
v3 - Removed unnecessary check of the "before undoing an action" rulebook at the end of the game. This caused an UNDO typed at the end of the game to fail silently.
v2 - Added suspension of game state saving and the Breaking Glass and Purgatory examples. Also added the ability to change word constants. Fixed minor bug in operation of undo suspension.
v1 - Initial release.
Example: * Mynah Undo - Presents report rules that reproduce Inform's default output.
"Mynah Undo"
Include Undo Output Control by Erik Temple.
Laboratory is a room. The pen, the vial, the bunsen burner, the beaker, the banana, and the viol are in Laboratory.
Report undoing an action:
say "[bold type]";
say "[Location]" in upper case;
say "[roman type]";
say "[line break]";
say "[bracket]Previous turn undone.[close bracket][line break]";
rule succeeds.
Report prevented undo:
say "The use of UNDO is forbidden in this game.";
rule succeeds.
Report nothing to be undone failure:
say "[bracket]You can't [quotation mark]undo[quotation mark] what hasn't been done![close bracket][line break]";
rule succeeds.
Section (for Glulx only)
Report interpreter undo failure:
say "[bracket]You cannot [quotation mark]undo[quotation mark] any further.[close bracket][line break]";
rule succeeds.
Section (for Z-machine only)
Report interpreter undo failure:
say "[quotation mark]Undo[quotation mark] failed. [bracket]Not all interpreters provide it.[close bracket][line break]";
rule succeeds.
Example: ** I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass - This example shows how to rework the output for UNDO using "report undoing an action", as well as how to limit both the total number of UNDOs available and the number of consecutive UNDOs allowed.
Limiting the total number of UNDOs available is simple. After undoing an action, we decrease the number of UNDOs available. Before undoing an action, we check to see whether there are any UNDOs left. However, this method will only work if the player is limited to one UNDO in a row; otherwise, the game state will be turned back another turn and Inform will "forget" that it had decremented the count. (One solution to this for Glulx games might be to write the number of UNDOs available to an external file, where the value can be tracked independently of the game state.)
To limit the player to taking back just one turn, we use a global variable, "current turn undone". We set this variable to true in the "after undoing an action" rules, and then, if the player tries another UNDO, we can stop it with a "before undoing an action when current turn undone is true" rule. In the every turn rules, which run at the end of a normal turn, we reset the current turn undone variable to false, allowing the player to UNDO once again.
Note that Inform saves the game state even for out-of-world actions, so if the player types SCORE and then UNDO, we only undo as far as the game state before SCORE was typed.
"I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass"
Include Undo Output Control by Erik Temple.
Report undoing an action:
say "[bracket]Previous turn undone.[close bracket][line break]";
try looking;
rule succeeds.
Current turn undone is a truth state variable. Current turn undone is false.
After undoing an action:
decrease UNDOs remaining by 1;
now current turn undone is true.
Before undoing an action when UNDOs remaining is less than 1:
say "[bracket]You have used all of your allotted UNDOs![close bracket][line break]";
rule fails.
Before undoing an action when current turn undone is true:
say "[bracket]More than one consecutive UNDO is disallowed.[close bracket][line break]";
rule fails.
Every turn:
now current turn undone is false.
UNDOs remaining is a number variable. UNDOs remaining is 3.
When play begins:
say "Whew, there's a lot of glass in here! A kid like you could get in a lot of trouble in a place like this. Luckily, you've got [UNDOs remaining in words] chances to UNDO any problems you cause! Be careful, though, as you can only UNDO one turn in a row.";
now the right hand status line is "UNDOs left: [UNDOs remaining]"
Laboratory is a room.
A glasswork is a kind of thing. A beaker, a pipette, a test tube, and a graduated cylinder are glassworks in the Laboratory.
Attacking a glasswork is reckless behavior. Dropping a glasswork is reckless behavior. Inserting a glasswork into is reckless behavior. Throwing a glasswork at is reckless behavior. Squeezing a glasswork is reckless behavior. Pushing a glasswork is reckless behavior. Pulling a glasswork is reckless behavior. Turning a glasswork is reckless behavior. Swinging a glasswork is reckless behavior. Rubbing a glasswork is reckless behavior. Cutting a glasswork is reckless behavior. Examining a glasswork is reckless behavior.
Instead of reckless behavior:
say "The [noun] shatters into thousands of pieces.";
remove the noun from play;
if the pile of broken glass is in the Laboratory:
say "[line break]The pile of broken glass is now a bit higher.";
say "[line break]The pile of broken glass glints in the light.";
move the pile of broken glass to the Laboratory.
A pile of broken glass is a thing. Instead of doing anything to the pile of glass, say "Looks dangerous, better keep away."
At 9:05 am:
say "Without warning, your dad enters the lab. ";
if broken glass is in the Laboratory:
say "His eyes dart to the pile of broken glass at your feet.";
end the story finally saying "You are in deep trouble";
say "He looks at each of the glass containers in turn, then smiles when he realizes that you managed to stay in here alone for five whole minutes without breaking a single one.";
end the story finally saying "You have made your father proud"
Example: ** Purgatory - Illustrates how to suspend and reinstate the saving of undo states. The player is presented with a bottle of poison. If she drinks it, she will die within a certain number of turns. We suspend saving of the undo state on the drinking of the bottle, though, so that the player need type UNDO only once to return to the turn before drinking the poison, no matter how many turns have passed since.
Note that we warn the player before allowing her to save during this purgatorial period--restoring the game would discard the saved undo state and effectively doom the PC to death.
Include Undo Output Control by Erik Temple.
Black Room is a room. There is a bottle of poison in Black Room.
Instead of drinking the bottle of poison:
now the printed name of the bottle is "empty bottle";
say "You drink down the poison in a single draught! That probably wasn't very smart.";
disable saving of undo state.
Every turn when the printed name of the bottle is "empty bottle":
say "[one of]Your cheeks burn[or]Your teeth hurt[or]Your belly twists[or]Your vision fades[the end][stopping]."
To say the end:
end the story saying "You have died".
Before undoing an action when save undo state is false:
say "[bracket]Attempting to undo to the moment just before you drank the poison.[close bracket][paragraph break]";
rule succeeds.
Report undoing an action:
say "[bold type]";
say "[Location]" in upper case;
say "[roman type]";
say "[line break]";
say "[bracket]Undone.[close bracket][line break]";
enable saving of undo state;
rule succeeds.
Check saving the game when save undo state is false:
say "Maybe it would be best to UNDO your terrible mistake before saving. Are you sure you want to save now, while you're dying? ";
if the player consents:
continue the action;
rule fails.
Example: ** Purgatory II - As an additional enhancement, we make an automatic undo attempt after the player has died.
"Purgatory II"
Include version 5 of Undo Output Control by Erik Temple.
The release number is 2.
Black Room is a room. There is a bottle of poison in Black Room.
Instead of drinking the bottle of poison:
now the printed name of the bottle is "empty bottle";
say "You drink down the poison in a single draught! That probably wasn't very smart.";
disable saving of undo state.
Every turn when the printed name of the bottle is "empty bottle":
say "[one of]Your cheeks burn.[or]Your teeth hurt.[or]Your belly twists.[or]Your vision fades.[the end][stopping]"
To say the end:
say "You have died.";
say "[bracket]...maybe you shouldn't have drunk the poison. Attempting to undo to the moment just before you drank the poison.[close bracket][paragraph break]";
undo the current turn;
say "[bracket] Well, I guess that didn't work. [close bracket][paragraph break]";
end the story saying "You have died".
Before undoing an action when save undo state is false:
say "[bracket]Attempting to undo to the moment just before you drank the poison.[close bracket][paragraph break]";
rule succeeds.
Report undoing an action:
say "[bold type]";
say "[Location]" in title case;
say "[roman type]";
say "[line break]";
say "[bracket]Undone.[close bracket][line break]";
enable saving of undo state;
rule succeeds.
Check saving the game when save undo state is false:
say "Maybe it would be best to UNDO your terrible mistake before saving. Are you sure you want to save now, while you're dying? ";
if the player consents:
continue the action;
rule fails.