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Can't Go That Way by Philip Riley
This extension allows for custom "can't go that way" messages depending on location and direction.
Volume 1 - Rules
Specify "can't go that way" messages in the Table of Excuses (continued):
Table of Excuses (continued)
source room (a room) dirs (a list of directions) excuse (a text) Quiet Glade -- "That way is blocked by impenetrable forest." Quiet Glade { north, northwest } "[We] would have to climb a sheer cliff face to go that way." Quiet Glade { east } "A deep pond blocks your progress in that direction."
Can't Go That Way chooses messages based on the following rules:
1. Choose a message with the current location, and with the direction in question contained in the dirs list.
2. Choose a message with the current location, and empty dirs entry.
3. Fall back to the default message (text of the standard excuse text rule (E)) for everything but directions up, down, inside, and outside. By default "[We] [can't] go that way."
4. For up, when no custom message exists, it uses the default text "text of the standard excuse text rule (A)". By default "[We] [can] neither climb walls nor fly."
5. For down, when no custom message exists, there are two cases: if using the extension "Floors by Philip Riley" and the current location has a floor, it uses "text of the standard excuse text rule (B)" (by default) "[regarding the player][Are] [we] going to burrow butownward?"; otherwise use the default text "text of the standard excuse text rule (C)". By default "[We] [can't] go that way".
6. For inside, when no custom message exists, it uses the default text "text of the standard excuse text rule (D)", by default "What [regarding the player][do] [we] want to enter?".
7. For outside, when no custom message exists, it uses the default text "text of the can't exit when not inside anything rule response (A)" from the Standard Rules, by default "But [we] [aren't] in anything at the [if story tense is present tense]moment[otherwise]time[end if]."
The can't exit when not inside anything rule is replaced so that it uses custom text when it exists.
Example: Prison Cell
"Prison Cell"
Include Can't Go That Way by Philip Riley.
The prison cell is a room. "You are in prison. The barred cell door is to the south."
Table of Excuses (continued)
source room (a room) dirs (a list of directions) excuse (a text) prison cell -- "Nothing that way but cold cinderblock walls." prison cell { south } "You can't squeeze through the bars!" prison cell { outside } "Escaping isn't that easy."
test me with "n/e/s/d/u/out/in";