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Phrases for Tables with Topics by Ron Newcomb
The player's command, the topic understood (known as "[text]" in an Understand line), and the matched text (usually used in an After Reading A Command rule) are all of a kind called a "snippet". This extension grants four new phrases to be used with them, and one phrase that corrects a bug in Inform.
if (a snippet) is a topic listed in (a table)
For use like:
Understand "[text]" as a mistake ("(No, that's not quite right.)") when the player's command is not a topic listed in the table of magic words.
if (a snippet) includes (a 'topic' column) listed in (a table)
For use like:
The Spanish Inquisition ends when the player's command includes a topic listed in the table of magic words.
if (a snippet) matches (a 'topic' column) listed in (a table)
For use like:
After reading a command when the player's command matches a topic listed in the table of magic words:...
which K is (a K-valued table column) corresponding to a topic of (a snippet) in (a table)
For use like:
When the Spanish Inquisition ends, say the response corresponding to a topic of the player's command from the table of magic words.
And finally:
"[fix the topic understood]"
For use like:
Understand "[text]" as a mistake ("'[fix topic understood]We know that [topic understood] is not a magic word! You cannot fool us, witch!'").
which K is (a K valued table column) corresponding to row (a number) in (a table)
For use like:
say the response corresponding to row 2 in the table of magic words.
Example: * Fear and Surprise - A brief demonstration of power.
"Fear and Surprise"
Include Phrases for Tables with Topics by Ron Newcomb.
The cathedral is a room. There is a woman called witch. The player is a witch.
The Spanish Inquisition is a scene. "'All witches know magic words! Tell us, witch, what they are!'"
The Spanish Inquisition begins when play begins.
The Spanish Inquisition ends when the player's command includes a topic listed in the table of magic words.
When the Spanish Inquisition ends, say the response corresponding to a topic of the player's command from the table of magic words.
Table of magic words
topic response "xyzzy" "Suddenly you pop out of existence!" "plugh" "In a swirl of feathers, you disappear!"
Understand "[text]" as a mistake ("'[fix topic understood]We know that [topic understood] is not a magic word! You cannot fool us, witch!'") when the Spanish Inquisition is happening and the player's command is not a topic listed in the table of magic words.
After reading a command when the player's command matches a topic listed in the table of magic words:
follow the scene changing rules;
replace the player's command with "x me";
move the player to the forest.
The forest is a room.
Test me with "no / foo / plugh / foo".