Textile by Zed Lopez

Chapter Examples

Example: * Textile


Include Textile by Zed Lopez.
Include Unit Tests by Zed Lopez.

Use test automatically.
Use quit after autotesting.

Lab is a room.

To say lbrack: say bracket.
To say rbrack: say close bracket.

expansive is a unit test. "Expanded".

To say xxx: say "123".
To say zzz: say "123".
To say xyz: say "456".
To say emptiness: say "".

xyzzy is always "xyzzy".
banana is always "banana".

For testing expansive:
for "literal" assert expanded "fubar" exactly matches "fubar";
for "empty" assert expanded "" is blank;
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert expanded "[xxx]" exactly matches "123";
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert expanded "[xxx]" is "123";

Exactly-matches is a unit test. "<text> exactly matches <text>".

For testing exactly-matches:
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" exactly matches "123";
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack] and [lbrack]zzz[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" exactly matches "[zzz]";
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" exactly matches "[xyz]";
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" exactly matches "1231";
for "123" assert "123" exactly matches "123";
for "123" refute "123" exactly matches "0123";
for "123" refute "123" exactly matches "1234";
for "empty" assert "" is blank;
for "empty" refute "" exactly matches " ";
for "empty" assert "[emptiness]" is blank;

Does-not-exactly-match is a unit test. "<text> does not exactly match <text>".

For testing does-not-exactly-match:
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" does not exactly match "123";
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack] and [lbrack]zzz[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" does not exactly match "[zzz]";
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" does not exactly match "[xyz]";
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" does not exactly match "1231";
for "123" refute "123" does not exactly match "123";
for "123" assert "123" does not exactly match "0123";
for "123" assert "123" does not exactly match "1234";
for "empty" refute "" does not exactly match "";
for "empty" assert "" does not exactly match " ";
for "empty" refute "[emptiness]" does not exactly match "";

Text-includes is a unit test. "<text> includes <text>".

For testing text-includes:
for "1234" assert "1234" includes "23";
for "1234" assert "1234" includes "123";
for "1234" assert "1234" includes "234";
for "1234" assert "1234" includes "1";
for "1234" assert "1234" includes "4";
for "1234" assert "1234" includes "2";
for "1234" refute "1234" includes "0";
for "1234" refute "1234" includes "0234";
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" includes "3";
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" includes "5";

Text-does-not-include is a unit test. "<text> does not include <text>".

For testing text-does-not-include:
for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "23";
for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "123";
for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "234";
for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "1";
for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "4";
for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "2";
for "1234" assert "1234" does not include "0";
for "1234" assert "1234" does not include "0234";
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" does not include "3";
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" does not include "5";

Occurrent is a unit test. "Occurrent".

For testing occurrent:
for "x, banana" assert the occurrences of "x" in "banana" is 0;
for "a, banana" assert the occurrences of "a" in "banana" is 3;
for "n, banana" assert the occurrences of "n" in "banana" is 2;

Trimmed is a unit test. "Trimmed."

For testing trimmed:
for " [lbrack]xxx[rbrack] " assert " [xxx] " trimmed is "[xxx]";
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack] " assert "[xxx] " trimmed is "[xxx]";
for " [lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert " [xxx]" trimmed is "[xxx]";
for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" trimmed is "[xxx]";
for " 123 " assert " 123 " trimmed is "123";
for "123 " assert "123 " trimmed is "123";
for " 123" assert " 123" trimmed is "123";
for "123" assert "123" trimmed is "123";

left-index-regexp is unit test. "left index regexp".

For testing left-index-regexp:
for "123, 123" assert the left index of regexp "123" in "123" is 1;
for "ca, abecadarium" assert index of regexp "ca" in "abecadarium" is 4;
for "an, banana" assert the index of regexp "na" in "banana" is 3;
for "us, publius" assert the index of regexp "us" in "publius" is 6;
for "empty in whitespace" assert the index of regexp "" in " " is 0;
for "xyz, banana" assert the index of regexp "xyz" in "banana" is 0;
for "xyz, xzy" assert the index of regexp "xyz" in "xzy" is 0;
for "an, banana" assert the index of regexp ".a" in "banana" is 1;
for "an, banana" assert the index of regexp ".n" in "banana" is 2;
for "an, banana" assert the index of regexp ".na$" in "banana" is 4;

Left-index is a unit test. "Left index".

For testing left-index:
for "123, 123" assert the left index of "123" in "123" is 1;
for "ca, abecadarium" assert index of "ca" in "abecadarium" is 4;
for "an, banana" assert the index of "na" in "banana" is 3;
for "us, publius" assert the index of "us" in "publius" is 6;
for "empty in whitespace" assert the index of "" in " " is 0;
for "xyz, banana" assert the index of "xyz" in "banana" is 0;
for "xyz, xzy" assert the index of "xyz" in "xzy" is 0;

length is a unit test. "Length."

For testing length:
for "empty" assert length of "" is 0;
for "X" assert size "X" is 1;
for "banana" assert count "banana" is 6;

say-chars is a unit test. "Say chars <m> to <n> of <text>".

For testing say-chars:
for "xyzzy, 1-3" assert "[chars 1 to 3 of xyzzy]" exactly matches "xyz";
for "banana, 5-6" assert "[chars 5 to 6 of banana]" exactly matches "na";
for "empty, 0-0 error" assert "[chars 0 to 0 of empty-string]" reports error;
for "xyzzy, 1-1" assert "[chars 1 to 1 of xyzzy]" exactly matches "x";
for "xyzzy, 5-5" assert "[chars 5 to 5 of xyzzy]" exactly matches "y";
for "banana, -3 to -1 error" assert "[chars -3 to -1 of banana]" reports error;

substr is a unit test. "Substr".

For testing substr:
for "xyzzy, 1-3" assert substr of xyzzy from 1 to 3 exactly matches "xyz";
for "banana, 5-6" assert substr of banana from 5 to 6 exactly matches "na";
for "empty, 0-0" assert substr of empty-string from 0 to 0 is empty;
for "empty, 0-0 error" assert "[substr of empty-string from 0 to 0]" reports error;
for "empty, 1-2" assert substr of empty-string from 1 to 2 is empty;
for "empty, 1-2 error" assert "[substr of empty-string from 1 to 2]" reports error;
for "xyzzy, 1-1" assert substr of xyzzy from 1 to 1 exactly matches "x";
for "xyzzy, 5-5" assert substr of xyzzy from 5 to 5 exactly matches "y";
for "banana, -3 to -1" assert substr of banana from -3 to -1 is empty;
for "banana, -3 to -1 error" assert "[substr of banana from -3 to -1]" reports error;
for "banana, 0 to 0" assert substr of banana from 0 to 0 is empty;
for "banana, 0 to 0" assert "[substr of banana from 0 to 0]" reports error;

first-chars is a unit test. "First n characters".

For testing first-chars:
for "xyzzy, 0" assert first 0 chars of xyzzy is empty;
for "xyzzy, 1" assert first 1 char of xyzzy exactly matches "x";
for "xyzzy, 6" assert first 6 chars of xyzzy is empty;
for "xyzzy, 6 error" assert "[first 6 chars of xyzzy]" reports error;

last-chars is a unit test. "Last n characters".

For testing last-chars:
for "xyzzy, 0" assert last 0 chars of xyzzy is empty;
for "xyzzy, 1" assert last 1 char of xyzzy exactly matches "y";
for "xyzzy, 6" assert last 6 chars of xyzzy is empty;
for "xyzzy, 6 error" assert "[last 6 chars of xyzzy]" reports error;

say-replaced is a unit test. "<t> with chars <m> to <n> replaced with <r>".

For testing say-replaced:
for "banana with chars 1 to 2 replaced with xyzzy" assert "[banana with chars 1 to 2 replaced with xyzzy]" exactly matches "xyzzynana";
for "banana with chars 2 to 3 replaced with xyzzy" assert "[banana with chars 2 to 3 replaced with xyzzy]" exactly matches "bxyzzyana";

say-cut is a unit test. "<t> with chars <m> to <n> cut".

For testing say-cut:
for "banana with chars 2 to 3 cut" assert "[banana with chars 2 to 3 cut]" exactly matches "bana".

first-replaced-with is a unit test. "<t> with first <u> replaced with <v>".

For testing first-replaced-with:
for "banana with first 'n' replaced with 'x'" assert banana with first "n" replaced with "x" exactly matches "baxana";

split is a unit test. "<text> split on/by/with <text>".

For testing split:
for "abc / d" assert "abc" split on "d" is { "abc" };
for "abc / b" assert "abc" split on "b" is { "a", "c" };