Installed Extensions
Bundles of extra rules or phrases to extend what Inform can do

 You have 16 extensions built-in to this copy of Inform, marked with a grey folder icon in the catalogue below.

 You have 298 further extensions installed. These are marked with a blue folder icon in the catalogue below. (Click it to see where the file is stored on your computer.) For more extensions, visit

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 Aaron Reed  (9 extensions)
 Commonly Unimplemented v 2  Responds to attempts to interact with unimplemented clothing, body parts, or generic surroundings. Requires Smarter Parser by Aaron Reed.
 Dynamic Rooms v 3  Lets new rooms be created on the fly.
 Extended Grammar v 8/140501  Adds some of the most commonly attempted verb synonyms and alternate grammar lines. Based on the Inform 6 extension ExpertGrammar.h by Emily Short.
 Keyword Interface v 9/150607  This extension emulates Blue Lacuna's emphasized keyword system for simplifying common IF input. Nouns, directions, and topics can be typed without a verb to examine, go, or discuss. Works with Glulx or z-code.
 Numbered Disambiguation Choices v 10/190320  Numbers the options in disambiguation questions, to help new players and solve the 'disambiguation loop' problem caused by indistinguishable objects.
 Poor Man's Mistype v 8  Adds basic typo correction by checking the first few letters of misunderstood input against the printed names of nearby objects. Requires version 15 of Smarter Parser by Aaron Reed. Supports Scope Caching by Mike Ciul for faster performance.
 Response Assistant --  Adds some helpful testing commands for changing default responses.
 Small Kindnesses v 13/140501  Provides a number of small interface improvements for players, understanding commands like GO BACK and GET IN, an EXITS command which automatically runs after failed movement, a USE verb, and more. Compatible with Modified Exit and Approaches by Emily Short, Keyword Interface by Aaron Reed, and Implicit Actions by Eric Eve.
 Smarter Parser v 16/210817  Understands a broader range of input than the standard parser, and can direct new players towards proper syntax.
 Alice Grove  (2 extensions)
 Common Commands Sidebar  v 2/161024  Displays a list of common parser commands in a sidebar as a reference for novice players. Includes actions to turn the sidebar off and on. Story author can tailor the command list and the appearance of the sidebar, or just plug and play. For version 6L or 6M of Inform 7.
 Simple Spelling v 2/160807  Simple Spelling aims to make stories more screen-reader-friendly by allowing players to request the spelling of any visible thing. This extension adds two actions: 'listing visible items for spelling' and 'spelling the numbered word.'
 Andrew Owen  (1 extension)
 Secret Doors --  Doors and switches that cannot be acted upon until they are discovered.
 Andrew Plotkin  (4 extensions)
 Disappearing Doors v 1  The ability to remove doors from the world and put them back.
 Optimized Epistemology v 1/180707  Keeping track of what the player character knows and sees.
 Serial And Fix --  Allows commands of the form GET X, Y, AND Z to be parsed.
 Unified Glulx Input  v 3/160213  --
 Andrew Schultz  (1 extension)
 In-Line Topical Hints v 2/200530  Lets the author offer the player in-line hints, with options for presentation. This extension requires Inform 6M62 or higher to run.
 AW Freyr  (1 extension)
 Hybrid Choices v 7  Provides a choice-based interface that can be freely switched between interactive and non-interactive modes. Basically, it does CYOA.
 B David Paulsen  (1 extension)
 Rapid Prototyping  v 1  A way to create and extend a game world on the fly during testing via a REPL idiom.
 Bart Massey  (1 extension)
 Basic Literacy v 2/210618  Provides objects and actions for (proper) reading, writing and erasing.
 Brady Garvin  (2 extensions)
 Object Kinds v 2  The ability to treat object kinds as values.
 Scopability v 1/210620  The ability to toggle objects' scopability; the parser does not acknowledge the existence of unscopable objects, even if they are explicitly added to scope.
 Brian Rushton  (1 extension)
 Clues and Conversation v 5  A simple system for building conversations.
 Chris Conley  (2 extensions)
 Conversation Builder  v 3/170420  An interactive question-and-answer system for building conversations.
 Threaded Conversation v 8/220120  A conversation system tracking facts known, phrases spoken, and subjects of conversation.
 Creative Commons  (1 extension)
 Configurable Creative Commons License v 1/101023  Allows easy implementation of a Creative Commons Public License of the author's choice.
 Daniel Gaskell  (1 extension)
 Volumetric Limiter v 2  Containers and actor that limit their contents by volume. Modeled after Bulk Limiter by Eric Eve, but understands length, width, and height as well as total size.
 Daniel Stelzer  (22 extensions)
 Alternate Lighting System --  --
 Boolean Variables --  --
 Cleared Events --  --
 Command Casing --  A simple fix to preserve casing when the player's command is altered.
 Command Modification --  --
 Command Preloading  --  A simple way to preload input onto the command line before the player begins to type.
 Conversation Touchability Fix --  A simple change to the Standard Rules to allow conversation to work without a touchable noun.
 Debugging --  --
 Default Styles --  Initializes and repurposes the unused Glulx text styles to provide more flexibility in formatting.
 Empty Command Handling --  Adds a new hook into the parser, to edit a blank command before analyzing it.
 Formatting Capture v 1/221012  --
 Glulx Text Styles  --  Glulx Text Styles provides a more powerful way to set up special text effects for Glulx.
 Helpful Functions --  A set of functions I have often found useful, with checks to prevent conflicts with extensions.
 Hidden Prompt v 1/210618  Provides a simple way to hide the command prompt during long stretches of text.
 Inline Hyperlinks  v 3  Provides a simple, HTML-inspired syntax for adding hyperlinks within say phrases. No manual management of hyperlinks required. Requires Text Capture by Eric Eve. Works seamlessly with, but does not require, Flexible Windows.
 Modified Timekeeping --  Changes the one-minute-per-turn rule to account for failed and implicit actions.
 Music --  A music-focused sound extension, which allows authors to loop sounds on different channels and fade between them.
 Output Silencing --  --
 Runtime Replacements --  --
 Subcommands v 2/221104  Exposes the snippets referring to each noun.
 Third Noun --  --
 Typographical Conveniences --  --
 Dannii Willis  (14 extensions)
 Alternative Startup Rules  v 1/140516  Refactors the Startup Rules so that it can be more easily altered
 Benchmarking  v 2/210914  A general purpose benchmarking test framework that produces statistically significant results. Version 2 works with 6M62.
 Collections  v 1/220218  Provides support for array and map data structures
 Data Structures  v 1/220331  Provides support for some additional data structures
 Glk Events  v 2/200807  A low level event handling system
 Glk Object Recovery  v 1/171025  A low level utility library for managing Glk references after restarting or restoring
 Glk Text Formatting  v 1/180324  Provides functions for controlling colours and reverse styling at character granularity
 Glulx Definitions  v 1/160919  Core definitions which other Glulx/Glk extensions depend on
 Highscores  v 1/190811  Record and review highscores to an external file
 Infra Undo  v 1/170502  Handles undo using external files for very big story files
 JSON  v 1/220301  Provides support for parsing and generating JSON
 Menus v 1/160728  Display full-screen menus defined by tables
 Startup Precomputation  v 1/160718  A system for precomputing slow startup code
 Xorshift v 1/140818  Allows Inform 7's random number generator to be replaced with one that is consistent across all interpreters
 Dave Robinson  (1 extension)
 Snippetage v 2  Some functions for setting and use of snippets (parts of the player's command).
 David A Wheeler  (1 extension)
 Dice v 1/220508  Support conventional X d Y dice notation, e.g., 3 d 6 totals 3 six-sided dice.
 David Corbett  (1 extension)
 Mobile Doors v 1  --
 David Cornelson  (1 extension)
 Basic Help v 1/140513  --
 David Ratliff  (1 extension)
 Armed v 3/140513  This is just a (no longer) little extension to handle weapons and fighting.
 Edward Griffiths  (1 extension)
 Adventure Book v 1/140513  A system for creating Choose Your Own Adventure style programs, with advanced features.
 Emily Short  (37 extensions)
 Approaches v 7  Approaches provides a GO TO place action which allows the player to move through visited rooms to a new location. It also allows other characters to traverse the map to named locations. It is designed to work with Locksmith by Emily Short. Version 7 drops the erroneous requirement of the Plurality extension, which was still mentioned in Version 6.
 Assorted Text Generation v 5  --
 Automated Drawers v 6  Creates a drawer kind of container, which is designed to be part of an item of furniture. Automatically parses names such as 'top drawer' or 'fourth drawer' or 'left drawer'; adds some features for describing furniture with drawers.
 Basic Help Menu --  Provides a HELP command which brings up a menu giving standard instructions about IF.
 Basic Hyperlinks  v 3/140513  Allows the author to set hyperlinks in the main window and give instructions about what is to result from performing them.
 Basic Screen Effects v 7/140425  Waiting for a keypress; clearing the screen. Also provides facilities for changing the foreground and background colors of text, when using the z-machine. These abilities will not function under Glulx.
 Complex Listing v 9  Complex Listing provides more sophisticated listing options: the ability to impose special ordering instructions on a list, and also the ability to change the delimiters of the list to produce different styles and effects.
 Computers v 8/160611  Computer hardware and software, including search engines and email programs. Version 3 adds handling for batteries and cords, if we include Power Sources by Emily Short (which itself depends on Plugs and Sockets by Sean Turner).
 Deluxe Doors v 4  Allows for doors that are implemented as having independent 'faces' -- to put a knocker on that can only be seen from on side, for instance, or to allow the player to lock one side with a key but the other with a latch. Also introduces a 'latched door' kind.
 Dishes v 2  Dishes is a convenience extension for use with Measured Liquid. It provides some standard-sized cups, glasses, graduated measuring cups, jugs, bottles, etc., as well as a corked bottle kind that opens with the use of a secondary cork object.
 Facing v 11/160611  Provides actions to face a direction, look toward a named room, or look through a named door.
 Glulx Entry Points  v 10/200602  Provides hooks to allow the author to write specialized multimedia behavior that would normally go through HandleGlkEvent. This is a rather dull utility library that will be of most use to authors wanting to write Glulx extensions compatible with other Glulx extensions already in use.
 Glulx Image Centering  v 4  Glulx Image Centering adds the ability to display an image that is centered (left/right) on the screen.
 Glulx Text Effects  v 5/150123  Gives control over text formatting in Glulx.
 Inanimate Listeners --  Allows the player to address inanimate objects such as a talking computer, microphone, or telephone in a form such as ASK COMPUTER ABOUT COORDINATES.
 Introductions v 2  Introductions provides an introductory paragraph about objects in a room description the first time the player looks in that location. It also allows the author to add segue text that will appear between one description and the next.
 Location Images  --  Allows the author to set per-room images and show these as the player moves from room to room. Requires Simple Graphical Window by Emily Short.
 Locksmith v 12  Implicit handling of doors and containers so that lock manipulation is automatic if the player has the necessary keys.
 Measured Liquid v 6/201125  Measured Liquid provides a concept of volume, together with the ability to fill containers, pour measured amounts of liquid, and drink from containers. It handles mixtures as well, if desired. It is compatible with, but does not require, the Metric Units extension by Graham Nelson.
 Menus v 3  A table-based way to display full-screen menus to the player.
 Modern Conveniences v 5  Modern Conveniences creates kitchen and bathroom kinds of room, which will automatically be furnished with a set of plausible appliances. (This was originally an example in the manual of how to create extensions, and an annotated version may still be found there.) Version 3 adds compatibility with Measured Liquid, modeling flowing water from taps.
 Modified Exit v 6  Changes the handling of the EXIT action, allowing commands such as EXIT PLATFORM and GET OUT OF CHAIR, making characters leave enterable objects before traveling, and altering the default interpretation of >OUT when the player is neither inside an object nor in a room with an outside exit. Updated for adaptive text.
 Mood Variations v 3  Allows the author to define a mood value for characters and then use text substitutions such as '[when bored]The king fidgets on his throne[or sleepy]The king snores[at other times]The king grins[end when].' Moods will be interpreted in 'writing a paragraph' and similar contexts as the mood of the person described in the paragraph, but at other times according to the mood of the person to whom the player is currently speaking.
 Ordinary Room Description v 3  An extension to go with Room Description Control, which emulates as closely as possible the behavior of Inform defaults, but allows the intervention of Room Description Control.
 Postures v 2/180528  Postures defines three postures -- seated, standing, and reclining -- and allows pieces of furniture to specify which postures are possible and preferred when the player is on those furnishings.
 Power Sources v 2  Power Sources provides an implementation of plugs and batteries, and is designed to be used alongside Computers or as a base for other device implementations. It requires Plugs and Sockets by Sean Turner.
 Property Checking v 4  A light testing extension to identify rooms and game items that may still be lacking descriptions or other properties.
 Punctuation Removal v 5  --
 Recorded Endings  v 5  Records the endings the player encounters in multiple play-throughs to an external file; then adds an ENDINGS option to the final question to allow the player to review which endings he has seen so far.
 Room Description Control v 13/160517  A framework by which the author can considerably change the listing of objects in a room description. Includes facilities for concealing objects arbitrarily and changing the order in which objects are listed.
 Simple Followers v 7  Allows non-player characters to follow the player (or one another); adds a FOLLOW command and a corresponding STOP FOLLOWING command so that the player can issue these orders to non-player characters. Adds adaptive text features.
 Simple Graphical Window  v 10/161003  Provides a graphics window in one part of the screen, in which the author can place images; with provision for scaling, tiling, or centering images automatically. Glulx only.
 Single Paragraph Description v 5  A room description extension based on Room Description Control (which is required). All contents of a room are summarized in a single paragraph, starting with the regular room description.
 Skeleton Keys --  --
 Tailored Room Description v 13/180515  An extension to go with Room Description Control, providing a different style of room description than the default. Parenthetical remarks such as (open) and (in which are...) are omitted in favor of full English sentences. Removes the requirement for Text Variations.
 Transit System v 6  Transit System provides a train-car kind which follows a schedule around the map, allowing the player or other characters to get on or off.
 Tutorial Mode v 5  Adds a tutorial mode, which is on by default, to any game, to introduce key actions for the novice player. Can be revised or expanded by the author.
 Eric Eve  (21 extensions)
 Adaptive Hints v 7  An adaptive hint system based on Menus by Emily Short.
 Alternatives v 3  Allows checking the presence of an object or value in a set of objects or values with new either/or and neither/nor phrases. e.g., 'If the noun is either the carrot or the potato:', or 'Instead of eating something when the noun is neither the cake nor the pudding:'
 Bulk Limiter v 9  Containers and actors that limit their contents by bulk
 Conversation Framework v 12  A framework for conversations that allows saying hello and goodbye, abbreviated forms of ask and tell commands for conversing with the current interlocutor, and asking and telling about things as well as topics.
 Conversation Nodes v 7  Builds on Conversational Defaults and adds the ability to define particular points in a conversational thread (nodes) at which particular conversational options become available.
 Conversation Package v 3  This extension includes both Conversation Nodes and Conversation Suggestions, and makes the suggestions aware of conversation nodes. It therefore includes the complete conversational system in one package. It also requires Conversation Responses, Conversational Defaults, Conversation Framework and Epistemology. The documentation for this extension give some guidance on how these other extensions can be mixed and matched.
 Conversation Responses v 7  Provides a meaning for defining responses to conversational commands (such as ASK FRED ABOUT GARDEN) as a series of rules.
 Conversation Rules v 7  A way of controlling conversations using rules and tables. Also implements topic suggestions and Conversation nodes. Requires Plurality by Emily Short and Conversation Framework, Epistemology and List Control by Eric Eve.
 Conversation Suggestions v 6/150607  Provides a means of suggesting topics of conversation to the player, either in response to a TOPICS command or when NPCs are greeted. This extension requires Conversation Framework. Version 3 makes use of Complex Listing by Emily Short if it's included in the same game rather than indexed text to generate a list of suggestions.
 Conversational Defaults v 3  Provides a set of rules to facilitate defining default conversational responses for different conversational commands targeted at various NPCs. This extension requires Conversation Framework.
 Epistemology v 9  Keeping track of what the player character knows and sees.
 Exit Lister v 11  A status line exit-lister and an EXITS command, with optional colouring of unvisited exits. Selected rooms and doors can be optionally be excluded from the list of exits.
 Hiding Under v 4  Allows things to be hidden under other things, using a many-to-one underconcealment relation. Can be used either standalone (with basic functionality) or in conjunction with Underside (to add fuller functionality to both extensions). Version 3 of Hiding Under avoids using phrases deprecated in Version 6E59 of Inform.
 Implicit Actions v 13  Provides implicit taking, opening, closing, locking and unlocking actions for a variety of cases where this makes for smoother game play. The extension also defines phrases which make it easy to define additional implicit actions if desired. Version 11 can be used with Locksmith by Emily Short (although Implicit Actions covers most of what Locksmith does, and in most cases it will be better to use Implicit Actions without Locksmith). Requires Version 5 (or above) of Text Capture by Eric Eve.
 Limited Implicit Actions v 3  A cut-down version of Implicit Actions for use where code size may be restricted and the full functionality of Implicit Actions is not needed. Requires Plurality by Emily Short and is compatible with Locksmith by Emily Short.
 List Control v 4  Provides a means of using tables as shuffled, cyclic or stop lists.
 List Controller v 4  Provides a means of using tables as shuffled, cyclic or stoping lists. This is an alternative to List Control that uses list controller objects instead of a Table of Table Types.
 NPC Implicit Actions v 4  A basic extension of the Implicit Actions extension into actions carried out by NPCs. This extension automatically includes Implicit Actions.
 Text Capture v 8  Allows the capture of text that would otherwise be sent to the screen, so that the text can be further manipulated, displayed at some other point, or simply discarded. Version 6/120511 allows the use of unicode in Glulx.
 Underside v 6/210627  Allows objects to be put under other objects. An underside usually starts out closed so that its contents are hidden from view. Requires Version 7 (or later) of Bulk Limiter; the space under objects is limited by bulk. Underside is compatible with Version 10 or later of Implicit Actions, but does not require it. Version 5 of Underside avoids features deprecated in Version 6E59 of Inform.
 Variable Time Control v 4  Allows individual actions to take a different number of seconds, or no time at all. Also allows the standard time taken per turn to be defined as so many seconds, which can be varied during the course of play
 Erik Temple  (8 extensions)
 Extended Debugging v 2/100212  Provides a way for the author to release a build of a game while retaining both custom and built-in debugging commands. Also wraps Inform's debug tracing routines in phrases that authors can use to trigger rule-tracing from the source text rather than from the command prompt and provides other debugging features.
 Glimmr Canvas Animation  v 2/160627  Provides a 'track'-based system for independent animation of graphic elements, canvases, and windows. Features animation presets, automated easing/tweening, and a detailed debugging log.
 Glimmr Canvas-Based Drawing  v 4/160626  A framework for drawing graphics of various types--from sprite images to painted text--to a Glulx graphics window. Takes an object-oriented approach, with graphic elements represented as individual objects.
 Glimmr Drawing Commands  v 3/160626  Provides commands for displaying images, shape primitives (such as rectangles, boxes, and lines), user-specified bitmap drawings, image maps, and for text-painting using 'fonts' with glyphs composed of either bitmaps or image files.
 Glimmr Graphic Hyperlinks  v 2/160628  Allows us to identify any number of rectangular areas of a Glulx graphic window as 'hotlinked'. When the player clicks within one of these zones, a command will be entered on behalf of the player, or we can specify some appropriate response of our own.
 Inline Hyperlinks  v 3/161018  Provides a simple, HTML-inspired syntax for adding hyperlinks within say phrases. No manual management of hyperlinks required. Requires Text Capture by Eric Eve. Works seamlessly with, but does not require, Flexible Windows.
 Real-Time Delays  v 1/100607  Allows the author to specify a delay of a given number of seconds/milliseconds before continuing the action.
 Undo Output Control v 5/170902  In addition to allowing control over UNDO default messages, provides hooks into UNDO processing, including multiple ways to suspend UNDO temporarily, to place limitations on UNDO (such as allowing only one UNDO in a row), to undo the current turn from code, and to control when the game state is saved. Using the latter, we can effectively control which turn UNDO returns us to. Also allows changing the words which invoke UNDO and OOPS. Also allows the story to edit a blank command before analyz
 Friends of I7  (2 extensions)
 6M62 Patches v 2/220105  --
 Interpreter Sniffing  v 1/140209  Phrases for testing, as far as is possible, which interpreter the story is running under.
 Gavin Lambert  (12 extensions)
 Brief Room Descriptions v 1/200926  Alters BRIEF mode to display a room's brief description instead of nothing.
 Enterable Underside v 2/200926  Adds the ability to enter 'under' some object, such as hiding under a bed.
 Exit Lister v 4  Automatic listing of available exits, with a reasonable dose of customisation built in.
 Extended Banner v 5  More control over what is printed in a banner, including an easily-included copyright line.
 Glk Input Suspending  v 1/200930  Provides a mechanism to 'suspend' line and character inputs in progress to allow something to be printed, and then input resumed afterwards.
 Hyperlink Extension Registry  v 1/200930  Provides a framework to allow multiple hyperlink-processing extensions to co-exist without stepping on each others' toes.
 Hyperlinks  v 1/200807  Provides a core processing loop for hyperlinks. This is a basic interface intended to be used by other extensions rather than directly in stories.
 Inline Hyperlinks  v 2/200930  Provides a simple HTML-inspired syntax for adding hyperlinks within any say phrases.
 Prepositional Correctness v 2/200926  Provides a way to customise the prepositions used to refer to containment or support, and perhaps other custom relationships added by other extensions.
 Rideable Vehicles v 1/200619  Improves how rideable vehicles and animals interact with other supporters.
 Secret Doors v 2  Doors and switches that cannot be acted upon until they are discovered.
 Title Page v 1/200510  Provides an intro screen to the story, offering an image and menu.
 Graham Nelson  (7 extensions)
 Approximate Metric Units  v 1  Scientific kinds of value for simulations. Use Metric Units instead for better accuracy.
 English Language v 1  To make English the language of play.
 Metric Units  v 2  Scientific kinds of value for simulations.
 Rideable Vehicles v 3/220311  Vehicles which one sits on top of, rather than inside, such as elephants or motorcycles.
 Standard Rules v 3/120430  The Standard Rules, included in every project, define the basic framework of kinds, actions and phrases which make Inform what it is.
 Unicode Character Names --  Defines 2909 names like [unicode Greek small letter gamma] for Latin, Cyrillic, Greek and Hebrew letters, along with currency and other symbols.
 Unicode Full Character Names --  Defines 12997 names like [unicode Arabic letter hah with three dots above] for the full range of characters named in the Unicode 4.1 standard.
 Hanon Ondricek  (1 extension)
 Easy Doors v 3/160425  Easy Doors provides a new kind of door which does not use map connections, and may be manipulated via rules more flexibly than the standard doors provided in Inform 7. Version 3 removes elements for compatibility with 6M62
 Jeff Nyman  (7 extensions)
 Contextual Descriptions v 1/200930  Provides a mechanism for contextually shifting descriptions.
 Description Decay v 1/200930  Provides a mechanism for allowing description levels to change based on number of visits
 Nuanced Timekeeping v 1/201001  Provides more nuanced aspects of tracking time within a game.
 Relative Placement and Direction v 1/201001  allowing relative directional movement as well as locationally relative descriptions.
 Story Substrate v 1/200930  Provides information about the substrate that a story is executing on.
 Supplemental v 1/200930  Personal extension to keep the main source text clean.
 World Knowledge v 1/210906  Mechanics to represent the player's knowledge and understanding about the world.
 Jeff Sheets  (1 extension)
 Graphic Links  v 3/161003  Allows the author to set hyperlinks in the Simple Graphical Window and give instructions about what is to result from performing them.
 Jesse McGrew  (3 extensions)
 Dynamic Objects  v 8/140515  Provides the ability to create new objects during game play.
 Dynamic Tables v 5/140908  Provides a way to change the capacity of a table during the game.
 Hypothetical Questions  v 4/180124  Allows us to test the consequences of a phrase or action without permanently changing the game state.
 Jim Aikin  (1 extension)
 Notepad v 3  A system for creating an in-game notepad that the player can write on.
 John Clemens  (2 extensions)
 Consolidated Multiple Actions  v 3  An extension to consolidate action reports when performing an action on multiple objects, such as with 'take all'. Requires Hypothetical Questions by Jesse McGrew. Version 3 updated by Emily Short for 6L38 compatibility.
 Scheduled Activities v 10/220110  An extension to allow scheduling of activities. For 6M62
 Jon Ingold  (4 extensions)
 Disambiguation Control v 10/170416  Allows finer control over the disambiguation process used by Inform to decide what the player was referring to. Less guesswork, more questions asking for more input. Also removes the multiple-object-rejection in favour of asking for more information.
 Far Away v 5/160517  Creates an adjective for far-off items which cannot be touched.
 Flexible Windows  v 15/220305  Exposes the Glk windows system so authors can completely control the creation and use of windows
 Title Page v 4/200510  Provides an intro panel to the game, offering a menu, a restore and restart prompt, a quotation and (under Glulx) a picture. Updated to version 3 for compatibility with Inform 6L02 and later by Emily Short. Updated to version 4 by Gavin Lambert to fix an error with 'use skip intro'.
 Juhana Leinonen  (16 extensions)
 Achievements v 1/151231  A simple but flexible rule-based achievement system. Awarded achievements can optionally persist in external files after a restart.
 Bulky Items v 3  Bulky items that can be carried only if the player is not carrying anything else.
 Debug Files  v 2  A development tool for saving debugging information to an external text file during beta testing.
 Object Response Tests v 7  A development tool for testing all actions on any given object - or one action on all objects - at once to see whether the game's responses are sensible.
 Regional Travel v 2  Allows the player to travel between regions. Useful for example when the player travels between large regions far apart from each other (e.g. cities), or for traveling in vehicles and public transportation.
 Reversed Persuasion Correction v 2  Automatically corrects commands given to NPCs where the order is reversed, for example HELLO, ALICE instead of ALICE, HELLO.
 Vorple  v 3/191117  Core functionality of Vorple, including JavaScript evaluation and adding HTML elements.
 Vorple Command Prompt Control  v 3/181103  Manually triggering parser commands, changing the contents of the command prompt and manipulating the command history.
 Vorple Element Manipulation  v 3/181103  Adding, removing, hiding, moving and other basic manipulation of HTML document elements.
 Vorple Hyperlinks  v 3/181103  Hyperlinks that either open a web site, execute a parser command or evaluate JavaScript code.
 Vorple Modal Windows  v 3/190914  Modal windows are dialog prompts or other information windows that pop up on top of the play area and require user action to dismiss.
 Vorple Multimedia  v 3/191119  Displaying images and playing sounds and music.
 Vorple Notifications  v 3/181103  Notifications that display a short message on the screen and disappear after a few seconds.
 Vorple Screen Effects v 3/181103  Vorple equivalent of Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Waiting for a keypress, clearing the screen, aligning, styling and coloring text.
 Vorple Status Line  v 3/181103  The Vorple version of the standard status line.
 Vorple Tooltips  v 3/181103  Tooltips that can be activated on request or when the mouse cursor is moved over an element.
 Leonardo Boselli  (22 extensions)
 Automap IT v 4/140823  Translation in italian of Version 4/140513 of Automap by Mark Tilford. An extension to automatically draw a map.
 Basic Help Menu IT v 2  Fornisce un comando AIUTO che mostra un menù con istruzioni standard. Semplicemente tradotto in italiano.
 Bulky Items IT v 2  Basato sull'espansione Version 2 of Bulky Items by Juhana Leinonen.
 Creative Commons Public License IT v 2  Un'estensione in italiano per facilitare il rilascio di 'interactive fiction' secondo la Creative Commons License v25. Basata sull'estensione GNU General Public License v3 di Otis T. Dog.
 Menus IT v 3  A table-based way to display full-screen menus to the player. Semplicemente tradotto in italiano.
 MilleUna for Gargoyle --  --
 MilleUna for Gargoyle with graphics --  --
 MilleUna for Quixe --  Release for web with the Quixe interpreter.
 MilleUna for Quixe with graphics --  Release for web with the Quixe interpreter.
 MilleUna World v 1/140826  The part of the MilleUna Framework that manages additional features of the world model.
 Numbered Disambiguation Choices IT v 2  Numbers the options in disambiguation questions, to help new players and solve the 'disambiguation loop' problem caused by indistinguishable objects. Semplicemente tradotto in italiano.
 Patrollers IT v 11  Based on Version 11 of Patrollers by Michael Callaghan.
 Questions IT v 4  Basato su Version 4 of Questions by Michael Callaghan.
 Release for Gargoyle --  --
 Release for Quixe --  --
 Scoring v 1/140824  About the score.
 Scoring IT v 1/140824  About the score. Translated in Italian.
 Simple Followers IT v 5  Allows non-player characters to follow the player (or one another); adds a FOLLOW command and a corresponding STOP FOLLOWING command so that the player can issue these orders to non-player characters. Semplicemente tradotto in italiano.
 Simple Graphical Window  v 8/140908  Provides a graphics window in one part of the screen, in which the author can place images; with provision for scaling, tiling, or centering images automatically, as well as setting a background color. Glulx only. Modified because of changes in 6L38 release.
 Simple HTML Window  v 2/140731  Provides an HTML window in the left part of the screen, in which the player may write anything. Glulx only.
 Title Page IT v 2  Fornisce un pannello introduttivo al gioco, con un menù, la possibilità di caricare e ricominciare, una citazione e (in Glulx) una figura. Semplicemente tradotto dall'originale.
 Written Inventory v 3/140825  Just Version 3 of Written Inventory by Jon Ingold made adaptive. Provides a framework for listing inventories in natural sentences. Separates carried and worn objects, followed by objects that contains other objects. What's listed in the third section is customisable via a rulebook.
 Mark Tilford  (1 extension)
 Automap v 4/140513  An extension to automatically draw a map.
 Massimo Stella  (2 extensions)
 Italian Language v 3/171001  To make Italian the language of play. Heavily based on code written by Massimo Stella. Now maintained by Leonardo Boselli. Requires 'Text Capture' by Eric Eve.
 Multiple Sounds v 3  Provides facilities for the basic reproduction of multiple-channel audio with loops under Glulx.
 Matt Weiner  (3 extensions)
 Actions on Groups --  --
 Indefinite Article Substitution Fix  v 1/161126  --
 Responsive Disambiguation for 6M62 --  --
 Michael Callaghan  (1 extension)
 Questions  v 5/150418  An extension to allow us to suspend normal parser input to receive and respond to answers to questions.
 Michael Kielstra  (1 extension)
 Debug Tags v 1  Take quick notes about what needs doing: bugs, ideas, et cetera. Helpful for debugging.
 Michael Martin  (4 extensions)
 Assumed Conversers v 3/170621  A minimal extension that makes the NPC optional in ASK NPC ABOUT TOPIC and TELL NPC ABOUT TOPIC commands.
 Quip-Based Conversation v 5/171116  An extension to Reactable Quips to allow for more traditional menu-based conversation.
 Reactable Quips v 10/171116  A table-based approach to NPC conversation chains, as well as allowing rules to fire on lines of conversation.
 Unicode Interrogation v 2  Allows an author to verify that an interpreter can support specific Unicode effects.
 Mikael Segercrantz  (4 extensions)
 Achievements v 4/140513  A table-based way to assign scores for actions, rooms and objects.
 Atmospheric Effects v 6/140513  A table-based way to add atmospheric effects to rooms, regions, things and scenes.
 Randomness v 2/170921  Random number generation using a simple seedable pseudorandom number generator.
 Trinity Inventory v 5/070114  Provides a framework for listing inventories in natural sentences, akin to Infocom's game Trinity. Separates carried and worn objects, followed by objects that contains other objects. What's listed in the third section is customizable via a rulebook. Objects can be marked as not listed when carried or worn as well as marked as having their contents listed in the inventory when they're empty. This extension is based upon the extension Written Inventory by Jon Ingold.
 Mike Ciul  (7 extensions)
 Autotaking --  Implicit taking of noun or second noun that may be invoked by (or used as) a check rule.
 Effective Infinity v 1  Provides a system of counting numbers which never go below 0 or above a specified maximum value. Any numbers above the maximum are considered infinite.
 Flexible Action Requirements v 1  Overrides carrying requirements for specific actions, and provides more nuanced carrying and touchability requirements when needed.
 Objects Matching Snippets --  --
 Scope Caching v 2/120725  Gives things the 'marked visible' property, to check the visibility of something without repeating the entire scope loop each time. Works with Epistemology by Eric Eve, Conditional Backdrops by Mike Ciul, and Remembering by Aaron Reed.
 Takeability v 1/110404  --
 Unknown Word Error v 2/170531  Provides Infocom-style parser messages such as 'I don't know the word 'kludge'.'
 Nate Cull  (2 extensions)
 Basic Plans v 3/211124  A library of basic relations, actions and plans for Planner.
 Planner v 2/211124  A universal goal planner for self-directed NPCs.
 Nathanael Nerode  (16 extensions)
 Character Portraits v 1/171007  Provides a complex system for customzing the printed descriptions of characters wearing or carrying lots of stuff, similar to the room description system in Standard Rules. Requires Large Game Speedup by Nathanael Nerode.
 Compliant Characters v 4/210328  Report parsing errors to the player when ordering other characters to do things. Inform 7 normally redirects these errors to 'answer ' so that the character can respond to arbitrary statements. But in an story with compliant characters who the player orders around routinely, that is frustrating to a player who has made a typo; this helps out the player. Requires Parser Error Number Bugfix and version 4 of Neutral Standard Responses. Tested with Inform 6M62.
 Gender Options v 3/210331  More broad-minded English language gender/number model where male, female, and neuter are three separate true-false properties. Allows for objects to respond to any specified combination of HE, SHE, IT, and THEY. As fast as the Standard Rules. Tested with Inform 6M62.
 Gender Speedup v 2/210331  When using Gender Options, clean up some I6 internals with functions related to gender which are irrelevant to English or rendered obsolete with Gender Options. Since these are called in the depths of ListWriter this should slightly improve speed. Not included in Gender Options due to likely interference with other extensions. Requires Gender Options. Probably will not work with non-English languages. Tested with Inform 6M62.
 Initial Cursor at Top or Bottom v 1/170827  This small extension eliminates the three newlines printed before the banner. It also provides a tool to attempt to place the cursor at the bottom of the screen, like old Infocom games. Due to wild variance between interpreters, it is not reliable.
 Large Game Speedup v 5/210908  Performance improvements for games with large numbers of objects, by avoiding looping over all objects.
 Nathanael's Cookbook v 5/220520  This is just a collection of documentation and worked examples illustrating various features of Inform. There isn't much in the extension per se, but the examples in the documentation can be click-pasted in the Inform IDE for convenience.
 Nathanael's Debug Tools v 2/210331  Miscellaneous stuff I like to have built in when debugging and programming, but would never want to relase.
 Neutral Standard Responses v 4/210908  Replaces misleading, vague, and narratively-voiced parser messages with instructive, clarifying, and neutral versions, respectively. For Inform 6M62.
 Parser Error Number Bugfix v 1  Fixes a nasty bug in the I7 error names in Inform 7 version 6M62 (and probably earlier).
 Room Description Supporter Bugfixes v 1/210315  Fixes some issues in Standard Rules related to printing room descriptions with enterable supporters. Experimental.
 Standard Rules Dead Code Removal v 1  Reduce the size of games using Room Description Control by removing unused Standard Rules material.
 Tab Removal v 1/210314  For commands with tabs in them, replaces tabs with spaces before passing them on to the game.
 Title Case for Headings v 1/170902  Applies title case to room names printed as a heading or in the status line. Creates the printing a heading activity for further customization. Tested with Inform 6M62. Requires Undo Output Control by Erik Temple or by Nathanael Nerode to handle the case of room name printing after UNDO.
 Undo Output Control v 5/170902  Provides hooks into UNDO processing, including multiple ways to suspend UNDO temporarily, to place limitations on UNDO (such as allowing only one UNDO in a row), to undo the current turn from code, and to control when the game state is saved. Using the latter, we can effectively control which turn UNDO returns us to. Also allows changing the words which invoke UNDO and OOPS, and allows the story to edit a blank command before analyzing it. Updated to Inform 6M62.
 Verb Stripping v 1/171007  Removes a number of verbs from the standard rules; verbs which might cause confusion in a game whose theme is not adventure.
 Peter Orme  (7 extensions)
 Checkpoints v 1/150130  A method of using assertions stored in a table to verify your game works as expected.
 Developer Framework v 1/150130  Common definitions useful for Inform7 authors and extension developers.
 Flexible Logger v 3/201118  A logging tool for I7 that lets you log to transcript and (with Glulx) to file
 Object Descriptors v 3  --
 Possible Movements v 2/130115  --
 Unit Testing v 2/150205  A developer extension that lets you write unit tests (asserts) in Inform 7.
 Universal Opening v 1/120223  --
 Philip Riley  (1 extension)
 Can't Go That Way v 1/230318  --
 Ron Newcomb  (10 extensions)
 After Not Doing Something v 2  Allows us to write rules that happen after an action fails, such as 'After not examining or searching something'
 Command Prompt on Cue v 3/140513  Creates a situation without a command prompt where the player may simply press space or enter to WAIT. But if the player instead begins to type a command, the command prompt will then appear.
 Editable Stored Actions v 10  This extension extends section 12.20 of Writing With Inform. The individual parts of a stored action -- actor, noun, second noun, action name -- can be changed directly. Also exposes new parts: request, text, participle, preposition, number, and each kind of value.
 Permission to Visit v 7  In lieu of compass directions, we may VISIT, ATTEND, GO TO, and FIND various people, events, places, and things. Characters may INVITE, PERMIT, and FORBID each other to or from their respective domains.
 Phrases for Adaptive Pacing --  We may ask the time when (a description of scenes) began/ended; the number of turns since (a description of scenes) began/ended; if (a future event) is soon; the time/turns until (a future event); the time/turns when (a future event). We may also un-schedule a future event with 'never shall'; begin or end a scene on an event; say a time 'as a time period'; repeat through future events; and change the turns-to-minutes ratio with 'per'.
 Phrases for Tables with Topics v 3  This grants five new phrases regarding the player's command, the matched text, and the topic understood: if one is a topic listed in a table, if one includes or matches a topic listed in a table, what corresponds to one within a table, and the last phrase corrects a bug so the topic understood may be used within an understand-as-mistake line.
 Real Date and Time  v 2  Allows the author to get the real-world time and date from the player's computer.
 Rewrite the Command Line  v 2/110202  Allows us to erase then rewrite the commands our player types in.
 Scope Control v 2  Allows us to ask why the Deciding the Scope For Something activity is running, so we can modify the scope only when we absolutely need to. Highly useful for giving NPCs commands over telephones or while in darkness, creating 'can hear' relations, or modifying how Inform parses the command line.
 Unsuccessful PC Attempt v 2  Will run the Unsuccessful Attempt By rules for all characters, including the player. Also silences the library messages printed by the built-in Check rules.
 Sarah Morayati  (1 extension)
 Basic Real Time  v 2/140513  Allows the author to incorporate Glulx real time events into an Inform 7 project.
 Sean Turner  (1 extension)
 Plugs and Sockets v 4/170924  System for handling plugs and sockets.
 Sebastian Arg  (1 extension)
 Spanish Language v 1/210825  To make Spanish the language of play.
 Shin  (4 extensions)
 Game Ending Reloaded v 1  Game Ending as defined in Version 2/090402 of the Standard Rules by Graham Nelson.
 Points Awarding Reloaded v 1  Points Awarding as defined in Version 2/090402 of the Standard Rules by Graham Nelson.
 Singing Reloaded v 1  Singing as defined in Version 2/090402 of the Standard Rules by Graham Nelson.
 Swearing Reloaded v 1  Swearing as defined in Version 2/090402 of the Standard Rules by Graham Nelson.
 Stephen Granade  (1 extension)
 Footnotes v 2  Provides a framework for organizing and displaying footnotes in a game. Version 2 makes Footnotes responsive and 6L38-compatible.
 Taryn Michelle  (1 extension)
 Print Stage Detection v 1  'Printing the name' rules make TWO passes over the same object when Inform needs to determine the appropriate article to print. This is a non-issue for many rules, but 'printing the name' rules with side effects may need to know which stage is currently being processed (article-choosing or name-printing), so that they can avoid double-execution of any side effects.
 Wade Clarke  (2 extensions)
 Basic Help Menu v 4  Adds a HELP command to your Glulx or Z-Code project for Inform 6M62 or later which brings up a menu giving some standard instructions about IF. This is a tech and content update of Emily Short's Basic Help Menu extension made for compatibility with Wade Clarke's Menus. Requires Menus by Wade Clarke (version 5 or greater) to run.
 Menus v 5  Lets you include a menu system of help, hints and/or other information in your Glulx or Z-Code project for Inform 6M62 or later. This upgrade of Emily Short's classic Menus extension features user-friendly single keypress controls, a more sophisticated UI, compatibility with screen readers and portable devices, an optional book mode with automatic pagination, and isolated message content to make translations easier. Classic Menus tables can be reformatted for this extension with a little work.
 Xavid  (8 extensions)
 Command Unit Testing --  Support for creating 'unit tests' that run a series of commands and make assertions about the output of some of them.
 Directional Disambiguation v 1  When a player types a standard direction in response to a disambiguation question, assume they meant to go that direction, not answer the question.
 Expanded Understanding v 4/200323  Various tweaks to understand additional variations of commands and have cleverer, more specific error messages in common failure cases.
 Graphical Map  v 3  Provides support for an image-based map with a static background and icons for the player and optionally other things or doors.
 Liquids v 2/191114  Basic support for sources of liquids and things that can hold a liquid, more minimalist than Liquid Handling by Al Golden.
 Object Matching v 2  Support for getting the matched object when matching a snippet against a pattern and for disabling clarification when a command or snippet is ambiguous.
 Scenery Words v 1/170913  --
 Visible from a Distance v 1  Allow certain things in adjacent rooms to be examined.
 Zed Lopez  (23 extensions)
 Bit Ops v 2  Routines to access bitwise operators. Tested on 6M62.
 Char v 1  --
 Code v 1  --
 Custom Banner and Version v 1/220215  A framework for customizing banner and version output. For 6M62.
 If True v 1/211209  Allow if/unless and while to accept plain truth states instead of a full conditional. If Strange Loopiness is included, extend that to until loops. For 6M62.
 Inquiry v 4  A framework for defining Y/N, multiple choice, or free-form questions to be asked immediately on game startup or subsequently. For 6M62.
 List Utilities v 1/220327  List utility functions
 Parser Error Details  v 1  Says where the parser ceased understanding a command, and describes ways the dictionary does know how to use that verb. Tested on 6M62.
 Pseudodevices v 1  Facilitate giving switched on/off to kinds other than devices.
 Screenreader v 2  On startup, asks user 'Are you using a screenreader?' and sets a global that can subsequently be tested. For 6M62.
 Speechless v 1  Make the player unable to speak or interact with others by speech, and block references to the player being able to speak.
 Strange Loopiness v 1/211127  Repeat variants for: until loop; loop counting down over a numeric or enumerated value range; loop n times. For any loop, optionally assign a loop counter variable; for looping through tables optionally assign a row number variable. Allows more flexible syntax for the existing repeat loops. For 6M62.
 Supercredits v 1/211206  Provides the Supercredits command to list the complete list of extension credits (i.e., including those that use authorial modesty) alphabetized by author name then extension name, and formatted nicely. The whole extension is marked Not for Release. For 6M62.
 Switch v 2/220329  A switch statement. Tested with 6M62.
 Tabulate v 1/210919  Provides a phrase to go from a text to a table name, and a not-for-release tabulate action to show the contents of a table. For 6M62.
 Text Loops v 1  Loop through characters, words, lines, or paragraphs in a text.
 Textile v 1/220331  Text utility functions.
 Trial v 1  Simple means to use a command ('try') to launch tests of code that isn't naturally command-centric. Facilitates testing such code with regtest. For 6M62.
 Unicode File IO  v 2/220219  Experimental support for reading and writing external files that may include characters longer than a byte. For 6M62.
 Unit Tests v 7  For unit testing. Tested with 6M62.
 Untrimmed Lines v 1  I7's line number phrase returns lines with left and right whitespace trimmed; other than using regexps, there isn't a built-in means to access the raw untrimmed line. This adds an ``untrimmed line number`` phrase.
 Verbal Commands v 1/211213  Provides a 'verbs' command to output known verbs, a 'conjugate' command to demonstrate the conjugation of a given verb, and a 'meaning' command to report whether a verb is for saying only, means a property or what relationship it means if it means a relationship. The whole extension is marked Not for Release. For 6M62.
 Verbs v 1/211231  Provides a phrase that, given a text, returns a corresponding verb if it exists. For 6M62.
 314 extensions installed

Key: Built in  Your version overrides the one built in 
Extensions compatible with specific story file formats only:  Z-Machine,  Z-Machine version 5,  Z-Machine version 6,  Z-Machine version 8,  Glulx

Warning. Inform checks the folder of user-installed extensions each time it translates the source text, in order to keep this directory page up to date. Each file must be a properly labelled extension (with its titling line correctly identifying itself), and must be in the right place - e.g. 'Marbles by Daphne Quilt' must have the filename 'Marbles.i7x' (or just 'Marbles' with no file extension) and be stored in the folder 'Daphne Quilt'. The title should be at most 51 characters long; the author name, 51. At the last check, these rules were not being followed: by Massimo Stella - title contains a full stop

LICENSE - non-folder found where author folders should be

Figures/ by Xavid - folder or application in author folder by Leonardo Boselli - title contains a full stop

Figures.i6t by Dannii Willis - title contains a full stop

Load-Figures.i6t by Dannii Willis - title contains a full stop - non-folder found where author folders should be

Nathanael's Extension Style Guide.txt by Nathanael Nerode - title contains a full stop by Nathanael Nerode - title contains a full stop